Hume.AI's NEW "STUNNING" EVI Just Changed EVERYTHING! (Emotionally Intelligent AI)

29 Mar 202428:48

TLDRThe transcript introduces Hume, an innovative AI system with emotional intelligence capabilities. It can analyze and respond to voice tone, facial expressions, and language to craft more empathetic and nuanced interactions. The potential applications span from enhancing daily conversations to aiding mental health services and improving safety by detecting drowsiness in drivers. Hume's technology is poised to revolutionize personal AI assistants, offering a more human-like engagement experience.


  • 🤖 Introducing Hume, the world's first voice AI with emotional intelligence, capable of understanding and responding to emotions through voice and facial expressions.
  • 💬 Hume's technology uses a combination of speech-to-text, facial expression analysis, and a multimodal LLM (Large Language Model) to provide empathetic responses and engage in more humanlike conversations.
  • 🧠 The AI is trained on extensive psychological studies, allowing it to recognize and interpret a wide range of human expressions and emotions with high accuracy.
  • 🌐 Hume's research has been published in leading scientific journals, showcasing its credibility and contribution to the field of emotional AI.
  • 📊 The system can analyze both text and audio inputs, providing insights into the emotional content of conversations and helping to improve communication and understanding.
  • 👥 Potential applications of Hume's AI include mental health services, where it can offer support and detect subtle emotional cues, as well as law enforcement for assessing truthfulness and detecting deception.
  • 🚗 The AI could also be used for safety purposes, such as detecting driver fatigue or distraction through facial expression analysis and voice tone.
  • 📈 Hume's AI includes a feature for anonymized face mesh modeling, which respects privacy concerns by keeping personally identifiable data on-device and complying with local laws.
  • 🎯 The technology offers various models for different use cases, such as speech proy (analyzing the nuances of speech), vocal burst expression (interpreting non-linguistic vocal expressions), and emotional language (detecting emotions from written or spoken words).
  • 🔍 Hume's playground allows users to test the AI's capabilities with different types of media, including videos and audio clips, demonstrating its versatility and adaptability.
  • 🌟 The future of personal AI assistants looks promising with Hume's advancements, suggesting a shift towards more empathetic and supportive AI-human interactions.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of the AI system Hume?

    -Hume is an AI system that is designed to understand and respond to human emotions. It uses emotional intelligence to interpret tone, rhythm, timber, and language to craft better responses and engage in more natural, empathetic dialogues.

  • How does Hume's facial expression analysis work?

    -Hume's facial expression analysis works by using psychologically valid models of facial movement and vocal modulation. It can analyze facial expressions in real-time using a webcam, providing insights into the emotions a person is feeling based on their facial movements and vocal cues.

  • What are some potential applications of Hume's technology?

    -Potential applications of Hume's technology include therapy and mental health services, where it could provide a supportive non-judgmental ear and pick up on subtle emotional cues. It could also be used in law enforcement to analyze people's facial expressions for signs of anger or discontentment, or in driver safety to detect drowsiness or distraction.

  • How does Hume ensure the ethical use of its technology?

    -Hume emphasizes the importance of consent and transparency when using its technology. It advocates for robust ethical guidelines and oversight to prevent misuse, especially in areas like facial recognition, where privacy concerns are significant.

  • What is the significance of Hume's research on facial expressions?

    -Hume's research on facial expressions is significant because it has led to the development of advanced models that understand the nuances of human expression in unprecedented detail. This research has been published in leading scientific journals and has been translated into cutting-edge machine learning models, allowing for more accurate emotional analysis.

  • How does Hume's system differ from traditional AI models?

    -Hume's system differs from traditional AI models in that it is a multimodal system capable of perceiving and responding to emotional expressions. It goes beyond text-based interactions to include tone, inflection, and facial cues, enabling more natural and empathetic dialogues.

  • What is the role of Hume's technology in mental health?

    -In mental health, Hume's technology can serve as a supportive tool, providing a non-judgmental ear and picking up on subtle emotional cues. It aims to supplement the expertise of human therapists and make therapy more accessible, without replacing the essential human touch.

  • How does Hume's technology address privacy concerns?

    -Hume's technology addresses privacy concerns by emphasizing the need for user consent and transparent practices. It also offers an anonymized face mesh model for applications where keeping personally identifiable data on device is essential, complying with privacy laws and regulations.

  • What are the capabilities of Hume's vocal burst expression model?

    -Hume's vocal burst expression model generates 48 outputs that encompass distinct dimensions of emotional meaning people distinguish in vocal bursts. It is designed to capture the emotional nuances of nonlinguistic vocal expressions, such as sighs, laughs, and shrieks, which are understudied but powerful modalities of expressive behavior.

  • How does Hume's speech pro model work?

    -Hume's speech pro model focuses on the nuances of how words are said, rather than the words themselves. It generates 48 outputs that encompass the dimensions of emotional meaning people reliably distinguish from variations in speech prosody. The model works on both audio and video files, providing insights into the emotional content of spoken language.

  • What is the purpose of Hume's emotional language model?

    -Hume's emotional language model is designed to understand the complex and high-dimensional emotions conveyed through written or spoken words. It generates 53 outputs that encompass different dimensions of emotions people often perceive from language, providing a deeper understanding of the emotional content of text.



🤖 Introduction to Hume - The Emotionally Intelligent AI

The video begins with an introduction to Hume, a groundbreaking AI system that is personalized and equipped with emotional intelligence. The narrator, Eevee, explains that Hume can understand the tone of a person's voice and use that information to generate a responsive voice and language. This AI is capable of picking up on subtle nuances in tone, rhythm, timbre, and language to craft better responses. Eevee demonstrates the AI's ability to sense emotions such as amusement, excitement, and confusion. The video also highlights Hume's use of Hume's Expression Measurement (HEM), text-to-speech (TTS), and a multimodal language model (LLM) to create an empathetic AI experience. The potential applications of Hume in personal AI assistants, agents, and robots are discussed, with a focus on improving daily life and offering support for emotional well-being.


🎥 Hume's Demo and Features

The video continues with a critique of Hume's demo, which the narrator found underwhelming compared to the full capabilities of the system. The video introduces the ability of Hume to measure facial expressions using psychologically valid models, which could revolutionize various industries, particularly therapy and mental health services. The narrator explains that Hume's research into global facial expressions has led to the development of detailed machine learning models that can detect facial expressions, speech prosody, vocal bursts, and emotional language. The video also discusses the importance of understanding the technology behind Hume to fully appreciate the impressiveness of its demos.


😌 Analyzing Emotions in Real-Time

This paragraph showcases a live demo of Hume analyzing an interview with Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, without audio. The video demonstrates how Hume can track facial expressions in real-time and identify the emotions being felt, such as tiredness, desire, calmness, and concentration. The narrator emphasizes the accuracy of Hume's facial recognition and emotion detection capabilities and discusses the potential for the technology to be used in various applications, including mental health and personal development.


🗣️ Speech and Vocal Emotion Analysis

The video delves into Hume's ability to analyze speech prosody, which focuses on the nuances of how words are spoken rather than the words themselves. The narrator explains that Hume's speech pro model generates outputs that capture the emotional dimensions of speech, and that these labels are proxies for how people tend to label underlying patterns of behavior. The video also touches on nonlinguistic vocal expressions, such as sighs and laughs, and how they convey distinct emotional meanings across cultures. The narrator shares another demo, this time using audio from an interview with Lex Fridman, to illustrate how Hume can detect emotions from vocal bursts and speech prosody.


📝 Emotional Language and Text Analysis

The video discusses Hume's emotional language model, which can identify emotions from written or spoken words. The model generates outputs that capture different dimensions of emotions perceived from language. The narrator tests the model by using it to analyze texts with varying levels of emotional complexity, from excitement and anxiety to melancholy and nostalgia. The video highlights Hume's ability to detect subtle emotional cues in language and its potential applications in areas such as content creation, mental health, and user experience enhancement.


🚗 Drowsiness Detection and Future Applications

The video explores Hume's potential to detect drowsiness or distraction in drivers, which could lead to safety applications in vehicles. The narrator discusses the possibility of Hume being integrated into car systems to monitor driver alertness and prevent accidents. The conversation also touches on the broader applications of facial recognition technology, such as identifying missing persons or assisting the elderly and disabled, while emphasizing the importance of ethical guidelines and user consent. The video concludes with a discussion on the unique capabilities of Hume as a multimodal system that can understand and respond to emotional expressions, setting it apart from traditional language models.



💡AI system

The AI system referred to in the script is an advanced technology that uses artificial intelligence to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, the AI system is described as 'personalized' and 'incredible,' highlighting its ability to adapt to individual users and provide exceptional performance. The system is also noted for its emotional intelligence, a feature that allows it to understand and respond to human emotions, which is a key theme of the video.

💡Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity of a system to recognize, understand, and manage the emotions of both itself and others. In the video, the AI system is described as having emotional intelligence, meaning it can detect nuances in tone, rhythm, and language to craft better responses. This ability is crucial for the AI to provide empathetic support and engage in more human-like interactions, as it can sense and react appropriately to the emotions being expressed by the user.

💡Facial expression measurement

Facial expression measurement is a technology that analyzes and interprets human facial movements to determine emotional states. The video discusses the AI's capability to measure facial expressions using psychologically valid models, which can be applied in various industries such as therapy and mental health services. The technology's potential to revolutionize these fields is emphasized, as it could provide real-time emotional feedback and support.

💡Multimodal LLM

A multimodal LLM, or large language model, is an AI system that processes and generates output across multiple modes of communication, such as text, voice, and facial expressions. In the video, the AI system is described as a multimodal LLM, which means it can understand and generate responses not only based on text inputs but also by interpreting non-verbal cues like facial expressions and vocal modulation. This capability allows the AI to engage in more natural and empathetic conversations with users.

💡Personal AI assistants

Personal AI assistants are AI systems designed to provide personalized support and assistance to individuals. The video envisions a future where personal AI assistants become increasingly integrated into daily life, proactively finding ways to improve it. These assistants would be able to understand and respond to users' emotional states, making interactions more intuitive and human-like.

💡Hume's research

Hume's research refers to the scientific studies conducted by the company Hume to better understand human expressions, particularly in the voice, language, and face. The video mentions that this research has been published in leading scientific journals and has been translated into machine learning models. The findings from Hume's research are used to develop the AI system's ability to detect and respond to emotional cues, which is central to the video's discussion on the potential applications of the technology.

💡FACS 2.0

FACS 2.0, or Facial Action Coding System 2.0, is an advanced system for analyzing facial expressions. It is described in the video as a new generation automated facial action coding system that provides a comprehensive output of facial movements and expressions. FACS 2.0 is capable of working on images and videos, offering a detailed understanding of the nuances of facial expressions, which is crucial for the AI system's ability to detect emotions accurately.

💡Speech prosody

Speech prosody refers to the rhythm, stress, and intonation of speech, which can convey emotional meaning beyond the words themselves. In the context of the video, the AI system is capable of understanding speech prosody, allowing it to pick up on the emotional nuances in how words are spoken. This feature is important for the system to provide more empathetic and contextually appropriate responses.

💡Vocal burst expression

Vocal burst expression refers to the emotional content conveyed through non-linguistic vocal sounds like sighs, laughs, or shrieks. The video discusses the AI system's ability to generate outputs that encompass the distinct emotional meanings associated with these vocal bursts. This capability is significant as it expands the system's emotional detection abilities beyond just facial expressions and speech, making it more comprehensive in understanding and responding to human emotions.

💡Emotional language

Emotional language involves the use of words that express or imply emotions, either explicitly or implicitly. In the video, the AI system's emotional language model is described as being able to generate outputs that capture the different dimensions of emotions perceived from language. This allows the system to understand and respond to the emotional content of text or spoken words, enhancing its ability to engage in emotionally intelligent conversations.

💡User consent

User consent refers to the agreement given by a user to allow a particular action or use of their data. In the context of the video, the importance of user consent is emphasized when discussing the use of facial recognition technology. It is highlighted that without clear and informed consent, the use of such technologies can be seen as an invasion of privacy. The video suggests that companies developing these systems should prioritize transparency and strong safeguards to ensure user trust and ethical practices.


Introduction of Hume, the world's first voice AI with emotional intelligence.

Eevee, the AI, can understand the tone of voice and use it to inform its generated voice and language.

Eevee senses emotions such as amusement, excitement, and confusion in the user's tone.

Eevee offers support for emotions like sadness, pain, fear, and anxiety, emphasizing the importance of emotional well-being.

Eevee uses Hun's expression measurement, text to speech, and a multimodal LLM (empathic LLM) for emotional understanding.

Potential future applications of AI like personal AI assistants and robots that improve daily life and understand human emotions.

Facial expression measurement using psychologically valid models for facial movement and vocal modulation.

Hume's research published in leading scientific journals, translating into cutting-edge machine learning models.

FACS 2.0, an advanced facial action coding system that works on images and videos with 55 outputs.

Anonymized face mesh model for applications requiring privacy and data protection.

Real-time emotion analysis of facial expressions and vocal cues in a live demo.

Speech pro model that captures the nuance of speech beyond the words, including 48 dimensions of emotional meaning.

Vocal burst expression model that identifies emotions from non-linguistic vocal utterances like sighs and laughs.

Emotional language model that detects emotions from written or spoken words with 53 outputs.

File analysis capabilities to test various models on audio and video files for different emotional and sentiment predictions.

Potential applications in mental health services, law enforcement, and driver safety through emotion detection and response.

Discussion on ethical use of facial recognition technology and the importance of consent and privacy.

Eevee's unique capabilities as an empathic AI, combining emotional intelligence with multimodal understanding.

Eevee's potential to enrich everyday interactions and support human well-being through its emotionally intelligent responses.