Mistral AI: The Multilingual GPT From Europe - Is it Any Good?

Gary Explains
27 Feb 202407:10

TLDRIn this video, the host puts Mistral AI, a new large language model from a French company, to the test. The AI is evaluated through a series of questions, including logic, math, programming, and English correction tasks. Mistral AI successfully identifies the winning team in a basketball tournament, correctly guesses the color of an object, and provides a well-reasoned answer for the most similar movie to 'Star Wars Episode 4'. It also accurately corrects grammatical and spelling mistakes in a given text. The AI's programming capabilities are tested by writing a unique Python script and a C program that correctly evaluates a mathematical expression. Mistral AI also successfully identifies and fixes a bug in an overflow scenario and corrects an error in a CRC32 code snippet. The video concludes with the host expressing satisfaction with Mistral AI's performance across all tests.


  • 🤖 Mistral AI, a new large language model by a French company, is being tested for its capabilities.
  • 💬 Mistral offers a chat service and an API for integration, similar to other models like Chat GPT or Claude.
  • 📊 The AI successfully answered a logic question about a basketball tournament, correctly identifying the winning team.
  • 🎨 It accurately determined the color of an object from a descriptive sentence.
  • 🎬 When asked to find the most similar movie to 'Star Wars Episode 4', Mistral chose 'The Matrix', citing genre and thematic similarities.
  • ⚽ The AI correctly stated that a football player cannot be offside from the changing room, only on the pitch.
  • 📝 Mistral effectively corrected grammatical and spelling mistakes in a given text.
  • 💻 It was able to write a unique Python script upon request, demonstrating custom programming ability.
  • 🔢 The AI correctly handled a challenge to write C code for evaluating a mathematical expression with correct precedence.
  • 🐛 Mistral identified and fixed an overflow bug in a given piece of code by suggesting a cast to a larger data type.
  • 🛠️ The final test involved identifying a logical error in CRC32 code, which the AI successfully corrected by removing an unnecessary line.
  • 👍 The video concludes with positive feedback on Mistral's performance across a variety of tests.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the French AI company that announced a new large language model?

    -The French AI company that announced a new large language model is Mistral.

  • What type of service does Mistral offer similar to Chat GPT and Gemini?

    -Mistral offers a chat service where users can ask questions using the web.

  • What is the purpose of the video mentioned in the transcript?

    -The purpose of the video is to test drive Mistral's language model by asking it logic, math, and programming questions to evaluate its capabilities.

  • How does Mistral determine the winning team in a basketball tournament scenario?

    -Mistral correctly identifies the winning team based on the points system and the matches' outcomes provided in the scenario.

  • What color is the bowl in the object identification scenario?

    -The bowl is identified as being 'ocean blue' in color.

  • Which movie does Mistral consider to be the most similar to Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope?

    -Mistral identifies 'The Matrix' as the most similar movie to Star Wars Episode 4, based on their shared sci-fi genre and themes of a hero's journey and the battle between good and evil.

  • Is it plausible for a footballer to be deemed offside from the changing room according to Mistral?

    -No, Mistral correctly states that a player cannot be deemed offside from the changing room, as the offside rule applies only to players on the pitch.

  • How does Mistral correct English grammatical and spelling mistakes?

    -Mistral is capable of correcting English grammatical and spelling mistakes accurately, as demonstrated by the correction of a text with multiple errors.

  • What programming task does the video challenge Mistral with?

    -The video challenges Mistral to write a Python script for a unique task, a C code to process and evaluate a mathematical expression using the shunting yard algorithm, and to identify and fix bugs in provided code snippets.

  • How does Mistral address the overflow bug in the provided C code?

    -Mistral correctly identifies the overflow issue and suggests casting 'num_two' to 'long long' before adding it to 'num_one' to handle larger integer ranges.

  • What is the final bug that Mistral is asked to find in the CRC32 code?

    -The final bug in the CRC32 code is an unnecessary increment operation 'i = i + 1', which Mistral correctly identifies and advises to remove.

  • What is the overall impression of Mistral's performance in the video?

    -Mistral performs impressively throughout the video, handling logic, math, and programming questions with accuracy and providing insightful responses.



🤖 Testing Mistol's AI Capabilities

The video script introduces Mistol, a French AI company, and its new large language model. The host expresses an intention to test Mistol's chat service and API by asking a variety of questions, including logic, math, and programming questions. The first test involves a logic question about a basketball tournament, which Mistol correctly answers. The AI also accurately identifies the color of an object and provides an opinion on the most similar movie to 'Star Wars Episode 4'. Mistol correctly addresses a sports-related question about offside rules in football and adeptly corrects English grammatical and spelling mistakes. The video concludes with the host's positive impression of Mistol's performance.


💻 Programming Tests for Mistol's AI

The second paragraph focuses on programming tests for Mistol's AI. The host asks Mistol to write a unique Python script and a C program that parses and evaluates a mathematical expression using the shunting yard algorithm. Mistol successfully completes these tasks. The AI also identifies and corrects an overflow bug in a given piece of code and spots an unnecessary line in a CRC32 code snippet. The host compiles and confirms the correctness of the modified code, ending the video with an invitation for viewers to like, subscribe, and comment if they are interested in similar content.



💡Language Model

A language model is a type of artificial intelligence that is designed to understand and generate human language. In the context of the video, Mistral AI is a new large language model developed by a French company, which is being tested for its ability to comprehend and respond to various types of queries.

💡Chat Service

A chat service refers to an online platform where users can interact with AI or other users in real-time through text. The video mentions that Mistral AI has a chat service similar to those found with other AI models like Chat GPT or Gemini, allowing users to ask questions via the web.


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. The video discusses the possibility of accessing Mistral AI via an API, which would enable developers to integrate its language capabilities into their own applications using programming languages like Python.

💡Logic Question

A logic question is a type of query that requires reasoning to solve. In the video, the AI is asked a logic question about a basketball tournament to test its ability to understand and process information to arrive at a correct conclusion, which it does successfully.


Color refers to the visual characteristic of objects based on the light they reflect or emit. The video includes a question about identifying the color of an object, 'ocean blue,' which the AI correctly identifies, demonstrating its ability to understand and provide information about sensory attributes.

💡Movie Similarity

Movie similarity involves comparing different films to determine how closely they align in terms of themes, genres, or narrative structures. The video poses a question about which movie is most similar to 'Star Wars Episode 4,' and the AI's response is analyzed for its reasoning and the opinion it provides on the matter.

💡Sports Rule

A sports rule is a formal regulation that governs the play in a particular sport. The video tests the AI's knowledge of soccer rules by asking if a player can be offside from the changing room, to which the AI correctly responds that this is not plausible, demonstrating its understanding of the context and application of sports rules.

💡English Correction

English correction involves identifying and fixing errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation in English text. The video shows the AI correcting a text with several mistakes, such as 'South Africa' having two 'A's and 'kilometers' being corrected to 'kilometres,' highlighting its language correction capabilities.


Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that a computer can follow to perform a specific task. The video presents several programming challenges to the AI, including writing a Python script and fixing bugs in C code, to evaluate its ability to generate and understand code.

💡Shunting Yard Algorithm

The Shunting Yard algorithm is a method for parsing mathematical expressions and converting them into a form that a computer can evaluate. The video briefly mentions this algorithm in the context of evaluating a mathematical expression in C code, indicating the complexity of the programming tasks the AI is capable of handling.

💡Bug Fixing

Bug fixing is the process of identifying, locating, and resolving the cause of errors or bugs in a computer program. The video demonstrates the AI's ability to find and correct an overflow bug in a piece of code and to identify redundant code, showcasing its debugging skills.


Mistral AI, a French AI company, has announced a new large language model comparable to other major models.

The model includes a chat service similar to Chat GPT, Gemini, or Claude, allowing users to ask questions via the web.

An API is available for users who prefer to interact with Mistral AI using Python.

The video tests the AI's capabilities by asking logic, math, programming, and sports-related questions.

Mistral AI correctly identifies the winning team in a logic-based basketball tournament scenario.

The AI accurately determines the color of an object, 'ocean blue', from a given sentence.

When asked to identify the most similar movie to Star Wars Episode 4, Mistral AI chooses The Matrix, citing genre and thematic similarities.

The AI correctly asserts that a footballer cannot be offside from the changing room.

Mistral AI demonstrates proficiency in correcting English grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The AI successfully writes a unique Python script based on the user's custom request.

Mistral AI correctly compiles and executes a C program that parses and evaluates a mathematical expression.

The AI identifies and fixes an overflow bug in a given piece of code by casting variables to a larger data type.

Mistral AI detects and corrects an unnecessary line of code in a CRC32 calculation program.

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to like, subscribe, and engage with the channel for similar content.

Throughout the video, Mistral AI performs impressively, making it difficult to find errors in its responses.

The AI's performance on logic, math, and programming questions suggests a high level of language understanding and problem-solving capability.

Mistral AI's ability to understand and process unique requests, rather than relying on pre-existing solutions, demonstrates its versatility.

The video provides a comprehensive test of Mistral AI's language model, showcasing its potential in various fields.