Parcoursup : nos conseils pour rédiger une lettre de motivation

Ministère Enseignement supérieur et Recherche
8 Feb 202403:14

TLDRIn the transcript, Xavier Tripoto, the director of IUT de Van, offers valuable advice on writing a motivation letter for higher education applications. He emphasizes the importance of tailoring the letter to the specific program, highlighting personal motivations, strengths, and relevant experiences within a 1500-character limit. Tripoto advises against generic content, spelling errors, and overused phrases, recommending that applicants research the program thoroughly and seek feedback on their drafts. The transcript concludes with an encouragement to attend open days for further insights into higher education programs.


  • 📝 A motivation letter is only required when specifically asked for by the training program and should be directly included in your Parcoursup file.
  • ⏰ You have until April 3rd to finalize your motivation letter, but avoid waiting until the last minute to complete it.
  • 🎯 Use the document to demonstrate that your application is the result of a thoughtful process and to explain your motivation to the instructors reviewing your file.
  • 🚫 Keep the motivation letter concise, not exceeding 1500 characters or about 15 lines, except for certain programs like nursing.
  • 🔍 Before writing, note down information such as the expected skills and knowledge from the training, reasons for your interest in the program, and your strengths.
  • 🔑 Use the program's presentation sheet, accessible through the Parcoursup search engine, to find all these elements.
  • 📈 Plan and draft a simple and concise letter; avoid recounting your entire life and use short polite formulas.
  • 🌟 Be authentic, clearly explain what motivates you about the program, and connect it to your background, interests, and personal or professional projects.
  • 🤝 Highlight any steps you've taken to learn about the program, such as attending open days or speaking with student ambassadors.
  • 👥 Review your letter with people around you, teachers, or career professionals to avoid common mistakes.
  • ✍️ Avoid copy-pasting, spelling mistakes, and generic internet content; your letter should be tailored to the specific program you're applying for.
  • 🚫 Remember, in most cases, you do not need to include your full name in the letter as your file is usually anonymous.

Q & A

  • Who is the speaker in the transcript and what is his position?

    -The speaker in the transcript is Xavier Tripoto, who is the director of IUT de Van.

  • What is the main purpose of a motivation letter?

    -The main purpose of a motivation letter is to demonstrate to the examiners that the candidate's application is the result of a thoughtful process, explaining what motivates them, their strengths, and other qualities that make them suitable for the program.

  • When is the deadline for finalizing the motivation letter for the application?

    -The deadline for finalizing the motivation letter is until April 3rd, inclusive.

  • What should one avoid doing at the last minute while applying?

    -One should avoid waiting until the last minute to complete the motivation letter, as it is an important document that showcases a thoughtful application process.

  • What is the recommended length for a motivation letter?

    -The recommended length for a motivation letter is no more than 1500 characters, which is approximately fifteen lines, except for certain programs like nursing.

  • What should be the focus of a well-written motivation letter?

    -A well-written motivation letter should focus on being concrete and concise, expressing desires and projects without turning it into a long dissertation.

  • What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a motivation letter?

    -Common mistakes to avoid include copying other letters, making spelling errors, using generic elements from the internet, and relying on tools like Chat GPT, which can be easily detected and do not add value.

  • What should a candidate do to prepare for writing a motivation letter?

    -A candidate should note down information such as the skills and knowledge expected from the program, reasons for their interest in the training, their strengths, and possible further studies. This information can be found in the program presentation, accessible via the search engine on the Parcoursup website.

  • How can a candidate make their motivation letter stand out?

    -A candidate can make their motivation letter stand out by being authentic, highlighting what they like and how it connects with their background, interests, personal or professional projects, and any steps they have taken to learn about the program, such as attending open days or talking to student ambassadors.

  • What is the advice for reviewing a motivation letter?

    -The advice is to have the letter reviewed by people in the candidate's surroundings, teachers, or career professionals in their high school to avoid common mistakes.

  • Why is it important to tailor the motivation letter to the specific program?

    -It is important to tailor the motivation letter to the specific program because it needs to be adapted to the training being applied for, even if some elements can be common to several programs. Copy-pasting elements from other programs can lead to irrelevant content and is often easily noticed.



📄 Introduction to Writing a Motivation Letter

This paragraph introduces Xavier Tripoto, the director of IUT de Van, who provides advice on writing a motivation letter for higher education applications. He emphasizes the importance of writing the letter only when required by the training program and submitting it directly to the application file by April 3rd. The director advises against waiting until the last minute, as the motivation letter is a key document to demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the application process. It should concisely explain the candidate's motivation, strengths, and qualifications within a 1500-character limit, roughly fifteen lines.



💡Lettre de motivation

A 'Lettre de motivation' or motivation letter is a document that applicants write to express their interest and suitability for a specific program or job. In the context of the video, it is a critical part of the application process for higher education, where applicants must demonstrate their thoughtful approach and personal reasons for choosing a particular course of study. The video emphasizes the importance of being concise, concrete, and authentic in this letter, which should not exceed 1500 characters.

💡IUT de Van

IUT de Van refers to the 'Institut Universitaire de Technologie' in Van, which is a local higher education institution that the speaker, Xavier Tripoto, directs. In the video, it is used as an example to illustrate the application process and the expectations for a motivation letter in the context of French higher education.


Parcoursup is a platform used in France for higher education applications, where students apply to various undergraduate programs. The video mentions that applicants should directly insert their motivation letter into their Parcoursup profile, highlighting the platform's role in the application process.


A 'deadline' is a specified date or time by which a task or an assignment must be completed. In the video, the deadline is emphasized as a critical aspect of the application process, urging applicants not to wait until the last minute to submit their motivation letters.


In French, 'concret' translates to 'concrete' in English and refers to something that is specific, tangible, and clearly defined. In the context of the video, it advises applicants to be concrete in their motivation letter, providing clear and specific reasons for their interest in the program and how their skills and experiences align with it.


In the context of French higher education, 'concours' refers to competitive exams or selection processes that determine entry into certain programs or institutions. The video implies that the motivation letter plays a role in this competitive process, as it allows applicants to stand out and demonstrate their suitability for the program.


The term 'formation' in French refers to 'training' or 'education'. In the video, it is used to discuss the various educational programs that applicants are considering. The speaker advises applicants to understand the expected skills and knowledge from the formation they are applying for and to relate these to their own motivations and qualifications.


In French, 'atouts' translates to 'strengths' or 'advantages'. The video emphasizes the importance of highlighting one's atouts in the motivation letter, which refers to personal qualities, skills, or experiences that make the applicant a strong candidate for the program.


Authentique, meaning 'authentic' in French, is a term used in the video to describe the tone and content that should be present in a motivation letter. It implies being genuine, sincere, and true to oneself, avoiding generic phrases or copied content.

💡Journées portes ouvertes

Journées portes ouvertes translates to 'open house days' or 'open days' in English, referring to events where educational institutions open their doors to prospective students to provide information about their programs. In the video, it is suggested as a way for applicants to gain a deeper understanding of the formation they are interested in, which can then be reflected in their motivation letter.


A 'plan' in this context refers to an outline or structure for the motivation letter. The video advises applicants to create a plan before writing the letter to ensure that it is well-organized, concise, and focused on the most relevant points.


Xavier Tripoto, the director of IUT de Van, provides advice on writing a motivation letter for higher education applications.

A motivation letter is only required when specifically asked for by the educational program and should be directly included in the application dossier.

The deadline for finalizing the motivation letter is April 3rd, but applicants should not wait until the last minute to complete it.

The motivation letter is a key document that demonstrates a thoughtful approach to the application process.

Applicants must explain their motivation, strengths, and qualities that make them suitable for the program.

The letter should be concise, clear, and concrete, avoiding lengthy dissertations.

The motivation letter should not exceed 1500 characters, which is approximately fifteen lines of text.

For certain programs, like nursing, the character limit may be different.

Before writing, note down the expected skills and knowledge from the program, reasons for interest, personal strengths, and potential further studies.

These elements can be found in the program's presentation sheet, accessible through the search engine on the Parcoursup website.

Doing preliminary research allows for planning and drafting a simple and concise outline of the motivation letter.

Avoid recounting one's entire life and use short, polite formulas.

Explain what motivates you about the program and be authentic in your expression.

Highlight what you enjoy and how it connects with your background, interests, or personal/professional projects.

Mention any steps taken to learn about the program, such as attending open days or speaking with student ambassadors.

Re-read your letter with the help of teachers, career professionals, or peers to avoid common mistakes.

Avoid copying letters and ensure the motivation letter is tailored to the specific program applied for.

Proofread for spelling mistakes, as they can negatively impact the application.

Do not use generic elements from the internet or tools like chatbots, as this is easily recognizable and unhelpful.

Remember, the higher education programs are looking forward to meeting applicants at open days for any questions.