Using Negatives To Make A Positive | Playground Tutorial

Playground AI
11 Jan 202408:03

TLDRThe video discusses the use of negative prompts in image generation, emphasizing their potential to refine and improve results. It demonstrates the application of negative prompts in stable diffusion 1.5 and highlights their limitations. The video then contrasts this with stable diffusion XL and playground V2, showing that fewer negative prompts are needed for better image quality. Practical examples illustrate how negative prompts can guide AI towards desired outputs, such as avoiding certain unwanted features or styles in the generated images. The key takeaway is to strategically use negative prompts to achieve the desired image outcome, while also considering the capabilities of different AI models.


  • 🎨 Negative prompts are used to improve image generation by excluding undesired elements, leading to more refined results.
  • 🆕 When using Stable Diffusion 1.5, more negative prompts are often necessary due to its older model and less fine-tuned nature.
  • 💡 The 'exclude from image' feature allows users to specify negative prompts, enhancing image quality and detail.
  • 🗂️ Negative prompts can be thought of as a trained file, or negative embedding, that helps remove unwanted aspects from images.
  • 🚫 While negative prompts are beneficial, they do not guarantee perfect results and may only minimize problematic issues.
  • 🌟 Switching to Stable Diffusion XL or Playground V2 can reduce the need for negative prompts, as these models provide better image quality without them.
  • 🔍 Starting without negative prompts and adding them only when necessary can be a more effective strategy for newer models.
  • 🌐 Negative prompts can influence the style of the generated images, such as making them look more edgy or cleaner depending on the excluded words.
  • 📌 Adjusting prompt guidance can nudge the AI closer to the desired outcome, but should be balanced to avoid excessive contrast or shadows.
  • 💥 Experimentation with different prompts and settings is crucial as the AI may not always follow the initial prompt exactly as given.

Q & A

  • What are negative prompts?

    -Negative prompts are terms or words that are excluded from the image generation process to minimize common issues and improve the quality of the output. They help in refining the details and overall appearance of the generated images.

  • How do negative prompts work with Stable Diffusion 1.5?

    -In Stable Diffusion 1.5, negative prompts are used to clean up the image by removing unwanted elements. They are added to the 'exclude from image' section, and they help in addressing issues like deformities, blurriness, and other unwanted details. However, it's important to note that this model is older and may require more negative prompts for optimal results.

  • What is the benefit of using negative prompts in image generation?

    -Negative prompts can significantly improve the quality of generated images by reducing common problems such as ugliness, warping, and blurriness. They help in achieving a cleaner, more detailed, and more accurate representation of the desired image.

  • How does the use of negative prompts differ between Stable Diffusion 1.5 and Stable Diffusion XL?

    -Stable Diffusion XL, or playground V2, does not require as many negative prompts as Stable Diffusion 1.5 due to its more advanced and fine-tuned model. The base model of SDXL can produce high-quality images without the need for extensive use of negative prompts.

  • What is the role of prompt guidance in image generation?

    -Prompt guidance helps in nudging the AI towards the desired output by adjusting the influence of the main prompt. It can be used to add more contrast, deeper blacks, and shadows, but it should be used carefully as increasing the prompt guidance too much can lead to overemphasis on certain aspects, potentially distorting the image.

  • How can you ensure that negative prompts are effective in image generation?

    -To ensure effectiveness, it's important to start with a base model that requires minimal negative prompts and then add them as needed. Experimentation is key; by comparing images with and without negative prompts, you can determine which approach works best for your desired outcome.

  • What is the significance of the 'remove common issues' option in playground?

    -The 'remove common issues' option in playground is a feature that utilizes a negative embedding, which is a trained file designed to automatically remove unwanted elements from the generated image. This option helps in achieving a cleaner image without manually adding negative prompts.

  • How can you achieve a specific style or detail in your image using negative prompts?

    -By identifying the elements that are not desired in the generated images and adding them as negative prompts, you can guide the AI to produce images that align more closely with your vision. For example, if you want a slick-back hairstyle, adding 'curly hair' as a negative prompt can help achieve that look.

  • What happens when you use 'ugly' as a negative prompt?

    -Using 'ugly' as a negative prompt typically results in images that are cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing. It helps in removing elements that might make the image look unattractive, thus improving its overall appearance.

  • How can you avoid common issues in image generation without using negative prompts?

    -By using advanced models like Stable Diffusion XL or playground V2, which have been fine-tuned and are less prone to common issues, you can achieve high-quality images without relying heavily on negative prompts. These models have a better understanding of the desired output, thus reducing the need for extensive negative prompt adjustments.

  • What is the recommended range for prompt guidance?

    -The recommended range for prompt guidance is between 10 to 15. Beyond this range, the image may start to exhibit excessive contrast, deeper blacks, and more pronounced shadows, which could potentially detract from the desired look.



🎨 Understanding Negative Prompts in Image Generation

This paragraph discusses the concept and application of negative prompts in the context of image generation using AI models like Stable Diffusion 1.5. The speaker explains that negative prompts, which are terms added to the prompt to exclude certain elements from the generated image, can lead to more refined results. The example given involves generating an image with and without negative prompts, highlighting the improved detail and cleanliness of the image when negative prompts are used. The speaker also introduces the concept of a 'negative embedding' in Stable Diffusion 1.5 to further refine image generation. However, they note that negative prompts are not a guaranteed fix and mainly serve to minimize common issues. The discussion transitions into the benefits of using Stable Diffusion XL or Playground V2, where negative prompts may not be as necessary due to their higher resolution and improved capabilities.


🖌️ Practical Examples and Strategies with Negative Prompts

The second paragraph delves into practical examples of using negative prompts and strategies to achieve desired outcomes in image generation. The speaker shares their experience with different filters and how they affect the final image, emphasizing the impact of negative prompts on style and aesthetics. They explain how the choice of negative prompts can lead to either a cleaner, more polished look or a grungy, edgy appearance, depending on the desired outcome. The speaker also discusses the importance of prompt guidance and its role in nudging the AI towards the desired result, using examples to illustrate how adjusting prompt guidance can lead to images with fewer unwanted elements. The paragraph concludes with a reminder that while there are limits to prompting, thinking creatively and trying different approaches can yield better results, and encourages viewers to watch a related video for more insights.



💡Negative Prompts

Negative prompts are terms or words that are specifically excluded from the image generation process to refine the output. They are used to minimize common issues and unwanted elements in the generated images. In the context of the video, negative prompts like 'ugly', 'deformed', and 'blurry' are used to improve the quality and details of the images produced by the AI model, such as making them cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing.

💡Stable Diffusion 1.5

Stable Diffusion 1.5 is an older AI model used for image generation. It is mentioned as being less fine-tuned and requiring more negative prompts to achieve desirable results. The video contrasts this model with newer versions, emphasizing the improvements in image quality and the reduced need for negative prompts in more advanced models.

💡Stable Diffusion XL

Stable Diffusion XL is a more advanced AI model for image generation, which offers better image quality and resolution compared to its predecessor, Stable Diffusion 1.5. The video emphasizes that with this model, users can achieve high-quality results even without using negative prompts, due to its improved capabilities and higher native resolution.

💡Prompt Guidance

Prompt guidance is a parameter that influences the AI's adherence to the user's instructions. It can be adjusted to nudge the AI towards or away from certain elements in the generated image. Higher prompt guidance values can increase contrast and shadows, but must be balanced to avoid over-manipulation. In the video, prompt guidance is discussed as a tool to fine-tune the image generation process.

💡Image Quality

Image quality refers to the resolution, detail, and overall visual appeal of the generated images. The video discusses how different AI models and the use of negative prompts can impact image quality, with the goal of achieving clearer, more detailed, and more accurate representations.

💡Edgy Look

An edgy look in the context of generated images refers to a style that is gritty, rough, and bold, often intentionally偏离 from the conventional aesthetics. The video discusses how excluding certain negative prompts, like 'ugly', can result in images with a more edgy and grungy appearance, which might be desirable for certain artistic styles.


In the context of the video, a filter refers to a tool or setting applied during the image generation process to alter the stylistic characteristics of the output. Filters can be used to enhance or modify the visual elements of the image, such as color, contrast, and texture, to achieve a specific artistic effect.


Specifics in the context of AI-generated images refer to the detailed elements or features that a user wants to include or exclude from the final output. The video discusses the importance of being specific with prompts and negative prompts to guide the AI towards the desired result, such as achieving a particular hairstyle or removing unwanted elements like people from a cityscape.

💡AI Model

An AI model in this context refers to the underlying algorithm or system used by the AI to generate images based on user inputs. Different models have varying capabilities, and the video discusses how newer models like Stable Diffusion XL can produce higher quality images with less reliance on negative prompts compared to older models like Stable Diffusion 1.5.

💡Photo Realism

Photo realism is a visual style that closely resembles real-life photographs, characterized by accurate representation, detailed textures, and natural lighting. In the video, the speaker aims to achieve a photo-realistic image but finds the AI generating a more digital-like output. By incorporating negative prompts related to digital art and CGI, the AI is guided towards a more photo-realistic result.


Negative prompts can be used to create positive results in image generation.

Stable Diffusion 1.5 can generate images following prompts but may lack detail.

Using 'exclude from image' feature with negative prompts can improve image quality.

Negative prompts help minimize problematic issues in image generation.

Stable Diffusion 1.5 benefits from more negative prompts due to its older ER model.

Negative embedding in Stable Diffusion 1.5 helps remove unwanted elements from images.

Switching to Stable Diffusion XL (sdxl) improves image quality without the need for negative prompts.

Practical examples show the impact of negative prompts on image style and detail.

Using 'ugly' in a negative prompt can enhance the cleanliness and attractiveness of an image.

Removing 'ugly' from negative prompts can result in a grungy, edgy look.

Negative prompts can be used to specifically exclude certain elements, like 'curly hair'.

Using negative prompts for 'people' can result in images with isolated scenes.

Prompt guidance can nudge the AI closer to the desired output, but should be balanced.

Analog photo prompt with negative prompts can result in a more photorealistic image.

It's important to experiment with different prompts and settings to achieve desired results.

For Stable Diffusion 1.5, more negative prompts may be necessary, while for sdxl or playground V2, starting with few or none is recommended.

Thinking out of the box and trying different combinations of prompts can lead to better outcomes.

The video provides practical advice on using negative prompts effectively for image generation.