Why Oz has the Most Ridiculous Drum Bounce?
TLDRオーストラリアのミュージシャンであるAussieは、その音楽制作において独特の手法を用いています。彼は、ハイハットを最初に取り入れることで、クラップを通常とは異なる位置に配置し、新しい空間を開拓します。また、ドラムスにはテクスチャを変化させ、リズミカルなターンアラウンドを作り出すことで、楽曲の面白みを高めています。さらに、彼はサブタイルの層を重ね合わせ、微妙なバリエーションを生み出す手法も用いています。また、ビートの変化を巧みに使い、楽曲の流れを豊かにしています。これらの手法により、彼はDrakeの楽曲「Sicko Mode」など、幅広いアーティストから支持を受けています。
- 🎶 ドラムのマウントは完璧で、シンプルなサウンド選択が素晴らしい。
- 🔍 まずハイハットから始めるというアプローチは、新しい世界を開く。
- 👏 クラップを非伝統的な位置に配置することで、より独創的なリズムを作る。
- 🚀 リムショットやスネアの使用で、リズムにさらに変調を加える。
- 🌟 ハイハットの働きを通じて、リズムのスピード感を高める。
- 🔁 ドラムのテクスチャーを変化させることで、退屈さから解放。
- 🔄 8小節ごとに異なるターンアラウンドを使用し、リズムを豊かに。
- 🎧 レイヤードスネアを用いて微妙なバリエーションを作る。
- 📏 ハイハットを非常に正確に配置し、最適なリズムを生む。
- 🔀 「シッコモード」のようなビートのスイッチが、楽曲の魅力を高める。
- 🎵 ドラムフィルターやブリッジへの移行で、リズムの変化を滑らかに演出。
Q & A
🎧 オーストラリアの音楽プロデューサーの特徴
🎶 新しい展開への期待
Aussie creates pockets with minimalistic sound selection that even caught Drake's attention.
Aussie starts with a hi-hat, which opens up a new world for placing claps in interesting positions.
By starting with the hi-hat, Aussie can go even crazier with the bounce, as demonstrated with rim shots and snares.
Aussie uses a unique chord progression-like technique with drums to keep them from getting boring.
He introduces new turnarounds with reverse sounds every 8 bars to maintain interest.
Aussie uses multiple open hi-hats placed extremely precisely to create the best bounce.
He creates subtle variation by layering the snare and then taking layers away later.
Aussie's sound selection, especially in the bass, is what makes tracks like 'Sicko Mode' stand out.
The beat switches in songs like 'Sicko Mode' and 'Ocean' are a key reason for their popularity.
Aussie creates smooth transitions between beat switches by using drum fill turnarounds.
When a strong drum fill is heard again, listeners know something new is about to happen.
Aussie's innovative drum techniques and sound selection have been recognized by artists like Drake.
His unique approach to hi-hats and clap placement creates a distinct sound that stands out.
Aussie's use of drum turnarounds and reverse sounds keeps the beat fresh and engaging.
Subtle variations in hi-hat placement and snare layering contribute to the overall bounce and feel.
The seamless transitions between beat switches are achieved through strategic use of drum fills.
Aussie's innovative production techniques have a significant impact on the success of tracks like 'Sicko Mode'.
there is no debate or these drum mounts
is immaculate the way he creates Pockets
with minimalistic sound selection is so
good that even Drake shouted him out on
a record
but how exactly does he do this there
are three concepts Aussie does different
than almost any other producer I know
the first one he shared in this German
well he's starting with a Hyatt what's
so special about that let me show you
this is one of his best bounces that
he's ever created in my opinion for a
German artist
thank you
and this is exactly what he heard after
adding the hats
but let's compare it to how I would have
started putting in the clap on a tune
for getting a feel for the sample and
then adding the Hyatt
look at what Jose did
what's that clap pattern come on
him started with the higher just opens
up a whole new world of putting the
claps on this space which is technically
not where you would put claps but it
sounds so [ __ ] good and this
interesting position of high-end open
head and clap allows Aussie to go even
crazier with the bounce look at this Rim
shot and the snare
thank you
but that's not even the craziest sauce
that Aussie dropped in his video he also
said this Hiatus Max Aus
take a look at this speed he also made
for the exact same German artist
which I think is even crazier listen to
the Hyatt work on there
and if you've listened carefully you
might have already picked up on the
second technique that Aussie does right
here to never let the drums get boring
he does this thing
with his drums
which I've never really seen before I
noticed from like chord progressions
like a 251 in the end but with your
drums and the way he does it in this
song is with textures from older songs
and his teacher scritch at the end
but he doesn't stop there because after
another eight bars we don't even get the
same turnaround we get a new turnaround
with reverse sounds look at this
and this speed is so good that they're
even bonus tips I can give you like for
example have multiple open hats and
place them extremely precise so that
they all work together to create the
best bounce
or also another thing he did right here
to create very subtle variation is to
layer your snare and then take lay away
later on
thank you
those are already some extremely
valuable Concepts but the third one is
the reason why people love beats like
sicko mode what
because sicko mode has a really cool and
different sound selection especially in
the bass but the thing which really
stuck out is the beat switches and on
Drake's in 21 Savage is middle of the
ocean ozee did one of those speed
switches again I'm down to go get us
some boys I'm here for the more support
whipping the
van how about you but me listening to
the song the first time this speed
switch really took me by surprise but it
also wasn't really abrupt so how did
Aussie create this he did the sort of by
using the second technique that I showed
you earlier creating a turnaround at the
last eight bars of your drums
this PT turnaround was a drum film he
also used this drum filler turn around
to transition into the drop to
transition into a bridge
and that's the reason why when we hear
the strong fill again we know something
new is going to happen
obviously those are just three and a
half reasons of why Aussies or Z thanks
for watching
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)


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米国の同盟国をやめた瞬間に、CIAのマルウェアが日本中のインフラを崩壊させる!?スノーデン証言の真偽は⁉︎ーー映画『スノーデン』のオリバー・ストーン監督に岩上安身が直撃質問! 2017.1.18