Thogden Emotionally Addresses His Haters...
- 🎧 播客《The Fellas》完整版独家在Spotify上提供,并且可以免费观看视频,关注他们的Spotify账号可以给予他们很大的帮助。
- ⚽️ 世界杯期间,由于疫情封锁后的释放,足球赛事变得异常受欢迎,整个国家都团结在了一起。
- 📈 主播在欧洲杯期间制作内容并受到很多喜爱,但到了世界杯时,由于观众范围的扩大,他感受到了更多的压力和批评。
- 🌐 主播意识到,当他进入更国际化的舞台时,他的观众群体也变得更为多元,这可能导致他的幽默和内容不被所有人理解。
- 📱 主播在世界杯期间工作非常辛苦,常常工作15小时以上,并且牺牲了睡眠时间来制作内容。
- 🤔 主播在面对网络上的负面评论时感到困惑和沮丧,他质疑自己的工作是否值得。
- 💰 主播提到,对他来说,金钱并不是最重要的,他更看重的是经历和回忆。
- 🎟️ 主播澄清了有关他被卡塔尔支付去世界杯的谣言,实际上他并没有因此获得报酬。
- 📹 主播强调,尽管他有机会去世界杯并且门票被提供,但他的工作并不轻松,需要大量的努力和创造力。
- 👥 主播注意到,主要是英国的足球粉丝在赛场上对他进行了批评,而在国外则没有这种情况。
- 📉 主播认为,随着他的影响力增长,自然会有新的观众群体出现,其中一些人可能不喜欢他的内容,这是很自然的现象。
- 🤝 主播认为,即使有人不喜欢他的内容,也不应该面对面进行无建设性的批评,而应该提供具体的反馈。
Q & A
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-播客《The Fellas》的完整版可以在Spotify上免费观看,并且还有视频内容。
🌟 世界杯与欧洲杯的回忆与感受
💬 对于网络批评的看法与处理
🏆 世界杯的经历与挑战
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obviously this World Cup's been great
but I think you're already like blown up
I guess and for me that was over the
Euros I agree I think it was the Euros
because it was post lockdown and
everyone has gone from doing nothing to
suddenly football in Wembley every game
the whole nation's behind us we're doing
well it's all the positives and I was
there making content all the games yeah
and I I love the Euros I find it tough
sometimes to think because I enjoyed the
Euro so much and in the world cup I got
so much thick I got so much love at the
euros and I don't know why I don't know
why it's so different
I think it's because just because you're
bigger now though yeah I guess
and you're breaking on people are
rooting for the like rooting for someone
new that you're a fresh face there
you're at the games and then also but
you would have had like mainly English
people that understood like either your
humor whatever those watching and then
the moment you step into more of like a
world stage you're probably getting a
lot of um people from different
countries watching your videos now yeah
and not necessarily understanding you or
the videos that you've done
um and it's true it's true I'm learning
from from this conversation to be fair
I'm like I'm still 21 years old right so
I'm still pretty young so it was pretty
difficult during the World Cup to like
just see the timeline going for me
people calling me a [ __ ] dude does
that stuff get to you yeah it does it
does I remember we had like some days we
were working 15 hours going to four
matches running around then at the end
of it we were I was working with my
Editor to make sure what I want and then
the thumbnail and then the title and you
finish like what is a 15 hour shift
people don't realize that cause they
just say oh you're going to football
games as you guys know there's a lot
more to it after the game you're on your
phone you're on your laptop working away
so when I I was finishing days at like 2
A.M and then there'd be a match at 10 so
I'll be up at eight so I don't I'd be
barely getting any sleep yeah and I'd be
checking Twitter at the end of the day
you're seeing like what's this all for
like why do I bother why and then you
check the [ __ ] bag
I mean I get that but on the bigger
scale I don't even I people think like
money's such a big thing it's really not
it's about memories and when I think
back to the World Cup I made so many
great times yeah that's what I really
enjoy like the fact that I was able to
go to the World Cup and I wasn't even
paid to go stories for the kids yeah it
wasn't I wasn't even paid to go we were
just given the challenge and the tickets
people have this conspiracy I was given
absolute bank and like whenever I went
on national tv as well that was just
because people wanted interviews which
was completely free so people get this
conspiracy that was just sent to go I
was like paid by Qatar I think Simon
Roundtree got into that one as well
before the tournament I was paid I was
paid by Qatar to go yeah but actually I
was not paid a penny not a penny we were
just given the tickets and my dad bought
his own flights it was it was it was
very in the know we originally we were
going to do we were going to do just
England games yeah so it was really
difficult to handle that at the end of
the day but I I still enjoyed the
tournament it was amazing and we made
memories with my dad I'll never forget
like yeah guitar is beautiful I went to
Winter Wonderland in uh cream is it
Green Park Hyde Park Hyde Park yeah yeah
the one of the days after I returned it
was almost mates and I went to get a
beer at the at the tent inside the
Bavarian Village really nice place full
of fans full of football fans like you
could tell the atmosphere is like
they've got the Abba Tribute then yeah
yeah the whole time the guy that looks
like Mark goldbridge on there yeah he's
crying get a picture up for the ones
watching uh anyway so I was there and
and we're about to where I was about to
order my drinks and some some two guys
come over and they're like oh you're
you're a bell and you're a bell end I'm
like what
because this is post World Cup so a lot
of people would see me on Twitter or
whatever and I I said to him how can you
call me a bell and if you don't know me
you've never spoken to me in your life I
was like why why am I a bellend and
they're like Oh no you're a bell and
you're Rebellion at the time I actually
got recognized by some some some people
that know the channel and they were like
they just ignore a mate just get on with
your day and that was nice to hear
because the amount of times I see on
Twitter where they call your belly in
real life people have a go at you but
they don't know you they've never met
you they never had a beer with you in
the pub they've never done anything to
understand what you're really like
they've just seen you on a script and
forget that he's probably he's probably
see he's operating he's refresh Twitter
he said Simon round trees
someone's opinion off Twitter I I don't
understand how people can judge you
without meeting you that that to me is
that's the world that that [ __ ] will
never change by the way that will never
never change but will never change but
look going up to someone and saying that
it's just like the weirdest thing ever
actually he's probably bagged out of his
mind and also like waved right now I
think that that sort of behavior to me
but I actually think that you have to be
able to judge people without meeting
them yeah let me cook let me cook
I'm gonna be able to judge people that
you haven't met that is totally fine
it's very different though I can think I
can watch someone and go oh like I've
said it loads of times before I went on
a tick tock couple rant yeah I think
Tick-Tock couples are [ __ ] [ __ ] and I
think that most of their stuff is fake
as [ __ ] that does not mean I am gonna go
up to someone and say your thing [ __ ]
because there's plenty of people that
enjoy it because trust me I read the
comments I see that the idiots in the
comments back in it so that's fine yeah
and you do things and I am the biggest
fan of people collecting a bag you are
collecting your bag I just think the
videos you make suck ass and that's okay
for me without having to be different
that's different though you don't think
they're balanced I do oh I think the
worst in Balance roll I think they're
insufferable but how though you don't
know them this is what I'm saying I've
watched the video the videos are inside
they make bad content but them as a
person I wouldn't sit there and go yeah
they're Burns because I actually just
don't know them well but the content is
shots why they could think their content
is whack it can be [ __ ] and I could
think I can sit there and go this
content is the worst you make bad
content but I can't say you as a person
okay okay so let me rephrase it then
you act like a total bellend in your
content oh that that's fair is that all
right yeah because because if they did
they did that's the problem so I was I
was seeing the timeline during the World
Cup and I was seeing like people call me
a bell and and during the content so I'm
thinking I'm there constantly thinking
how do I need to change myself to make
people think I'm not Valen there's
nothing you don't do that there's
nothing you can do in fact what I'm
doing is being myself going to a game
reacting to football how what am I meant
to do this is it this is the key
indicator right if you know like you're
on to win it right if your views and and
you're just in general things are going
up you're seeing green arrows right and
along with green arrows you are also
seeing more people calling your bell and
then that means you are doing exactly
everything perfect because naturally as
you get bigger as you reach a new
audience you're also reaching new people
that don't want to watch us yeah no so
naturally that's going to bring people
in now if everything was staying the
same and then you were getting a bunch
of stick for it then it's like okay
there might be something going along
here where it's not level out but if
you're growing it's natural to have new
people that that's fine they're Expo
finally being exposed to your content
that aren't going to like you and look
there's a bunch of people that are vocal
about it and that's totally fine yeah I
think it's [ __ ] weird for people to
actually come up to you and say it I
know because without a reason as well
you just yeah why and it's like look if
if I see someone on the street and I go
oh their latest movie was trash I'm not
going to go up to them and say your
latest movie was trash because who
[ __ ] cares there's no there's nothing
constructive in that if I went up to you
and I said I don't like the way that you
constantly stick cameras in front of a
Fan's face I don't know just some
[ __ ] right then that then that's
then you can say oh okay I I appreciate
that look it's up for everyone I'll take
that into account and then you just
separate that way there's no
constructive criticism yeah it's just a
one-way it's your opinion one right yeah
yeah so I think that's weird
um can I ask you something um yeah do
you find British football fans are the
worst giving stick in grounds because I
always feel like the main people I see
attacking you are like season ticket
holders and match going fans like proper
fans 100 do you think that's the case oh
yeah when you're abroad you get no stick
it feels like people that do my my job
in Germany there's a guy called visca
bar so he's literally got the same
concept as me goes to matches gives
gives his thoughts of his day has over a
million subscribers people love him in
Germany okay Ultras no they don't want
too much of like they want their face on
camera but he he gives them a platform
for the world to see what their Ultras
are like that's the same with me if I go
to a Leeds game and I show people how
good the leads atmosphere is I'm showing
hundreds of thousand people that don't
know from inside the stadium so I'm
doing a lot for them and then in return
they just constantly say oh why is he
there why does he have a ticket well
actually you're allowing loads of new
people to potentially even become a
leads fan from abroad from wherever so I
think people don't look at the full
picture if I say it on Twitter I'll just
get Ratio or some [ __ ]
you've been through this a lot I can
tell them
the fact that you still have a Twitter
account is Testament to you yeah I gave
up on Twitter I hope that I hope after
you've spoken about it on here like more
in depth that people will understand the
situation a bit more I'd like I'd love
that would be nice it'll never happen
because it's the internet yeah it is the
internet but I feel some people may get
to hear my opinion because I don't like
to give it helps a little bit yeah I
just like to go on with the content and
it's great and I've got the perfect job
like people are right I get to go to
football and I get to go to the Qatar
World Cup and it you know the tickets
are paid for and that's an amazing thing
but there is negative science and people
don't see that I said the one thing
about that whole thing about getting
paid to go to the game that I never
understood right is that I know that if
the same person that was slander in yeah
let me just I will say this if you have
slanted fogden and they came to you and
they said we want you to go to every
single game of the World Cup we're gonna
fly you out there everything all done
that person is accepting that deal yeah
just so you know yeah there isn't a
single person in the world
maybe somebody that's against uh the
human rights stuff they might say no
Greta thundberg that's about it she has
to recycle there not even friends write
to me before the tournament saying I'm
gonna boycott it because of the human
rights and then on their stories two
weeks later they're showing the
Argentina Netherlands yeah I mean
they're watching the TV yeah you're
still watching watching it so I don't
know I I definitely think there is it
there is a big thing where it's you know
put yourself like once once if they get
offered a similar thing it's not like
that it's like look okay but it goes for
loads of things it's like okay you want
to you want to go to the dots for
example Ethan okay someone asks you even
Ethan isn't going there it's thinking
I'm a celebrity I deserve to be on that
say that's not how these things work
what happens is they'll approach you and
say would you like to go on it and you
say uh he's not thinking they're like oh
I hope [ __ ] Darren from Gloucester he
won't know me I can't go on this he
won't know me can I just work like that
4.8 / 5 (43 votes)


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