Houston woman divorces, then adopts husband after wreck left him with brain damage
- 🤵♀️ 克里斯在结婚后,由于前夫布兰登遭遇车祸造成脑损伤,成为他的看护人。
- 👰 克里斯后来与詹姆斯结婚,詹姆斯全心全意接纳布兰登,与克里斯一同照顾他。
- 👨🦱 布兰登虽失去大部分记忆力,但还能认出克里斯,她是他仅存的长期记忆。
- 👪 克里斯和詹姆斯将布兰登纳入家庭,孩子们也亲昵地称他为"布兰登叔叔"。
- 💞 詹姆斯对布兰登的无私关爱,包括为他换尿布、陪伴等,体现了爱的伟大。
- 🎵 音乐能让布兰登短暂恢复一些回忆,唤起他与克里斯的点点滴滴。
- 💔 尽管遭受巨大打击,克里斯仍坚持爱着布兰登,视他为生命的一部分。
- 🌹 詹姆斯甚至表示,如果布兰登有复原的奇迹,他愿意让克里斯重新与布兰登在一起。
- 👣 克里斯在社交媒体上记录布兰登的生活,寻求精神慰藉。
- 💗 这个家庭用爱与包容诠释了人伦之爱的力量,克服重重困难。
Q & A
😇 一个非凡的家庭的诞生
🌹 一种难能可贵的爱与牺牲
From the moment Chris and James Armstrong married,
they created an unusual blended family.
That's because Chris brought with her, her ex-husband,
they were high school sweethearts who married at 21.
What do you remember about the wedding? I still remember at
being at
the church and
them opening the doors and walking down with my dad and seeing Brandon, you know,
at the end of the aisle and
just knowing that I wanted to spend my life with him and that I loved him
two years after they got married, Brandon was t boned by a moving truck
leaving him with a traumatic brain injury.
He was in a coma and we didn't know when or if he would wake up and what
what would happen?
Although he did wake up, he was unable to take care of himself.
He was in something called post traumatic amnesia at that time.
And so his memory which really, he's never really fully gotten out of,
but his memory was like 10 seconds long.
This was really when it became clear that I went from being a wife
to a caregiver.
My friends even came to me after I'd been doing this for several
months and they said we love you so much and we support you,
but you can't keep doing this. You're drowning. We see you drowning.
So after five years of caring for Brandon
and longing to have Children
and wanting to again be in love with someone who could be in love with her.
Chris decided
to divorce Brandon
whenever I thought about
moving forward with the divorce.
The thing that terrified me the most would be
that I wouldn't be able to care for Brandon.
There we
So she asked a judge
to make her Brandon's legal guardian.
And I told her, you know, nothing's gonna change.
I'm gonna continue to take care of Brandon
And each year now I have to renew guardianship papers
and they usually ask for a picture and now I get
to send the picture of Brandon with our whole family
and I've gotten to write the judge and tell her,
you know,
I don't know if you remember me, but I've
stood true to what I said and Brandon is an integral part of our family
by creating this family with James Armstrong. She found love for herself and
for Brandon,
it's a sad story, but there's a lot of beauty in it too.
Well, you want to know what moved me the most when I heard the story is that
the thought of you loving her enough
to help care for Brandon.
That's what made me weep.
It's not just letting her, it's loading Brandon too,
you know,
he needs us.
he needs people that love him,
that love looks like feeding him,
maintaining his hygiene,
taking him to therapy appointments
and giving him the willpower
and a little extra willpower to keep living.
I think in the
physicality of him helping with Brandon. That's one piece. I mean,
the fact that
we change Brandon together, it's, it's I I can do it by myself but it's very,
very hard.
James helps me like that. That is such a gift of love. You ready? You can sit down.
I got you,
James cares for bred
in the same fatherly way. He watches he and Chris's Children.
Four year old Meadow
and six year old Juniper.
They snuggle up to the now 38 year old man. They call Uncle Brandon.
Hey, what's up, dude?
Hi, sweetheart. How
are you?
Brandon lives in a nursing home
but every few days
they bring him home
on the day we spent with them.
Juniper nearly jumped in Brandon's wheelchair after school.
It made me feel good to be able to make him smile by playing his favorite artist.
You wanna play some Bob Marley?
Yeah, Bob Marley,
he was unusually engaged on the day we spent with them
today. I feel like especially
you're like super tuned in
which is cool because it's
like it comes and goes, you know,
some days we, we can really connect and some days we can't.
The good days and the not so good ones are chronicled on Chris's Tik Tok account
there. She has found some of the grief support she's always been looking for.
Where do we both work in?
We worked at
Brandon's long term memory is one thing,
the accident didn't take away from him entirely.
She is the one person he recognizes.
You remember the song
that we um
danced to at our wedding?
Hey Red Cinderella.
he is a very part of who I am because I carry his heart in my heart and I always will.
And so the decisions that I've made to be,
have him in our life be a part of our family is because I can't not,
you know, when somebody is so tied to you, you can't untie that I love you
before we left them.
Chris told us something James said, which shocked us something so unlikely,
so improbable
but so beautiful.
He said if, if some miracle were, you know,
uh treatment happens for people with a brain injury and Brandon can be healed.
He said I want you to be with him. You were with him first.
And I think that
you know, I don't think that's going to happen, but just the fact that I don't know,
you're just a very special person.
You really are.
I don't think I am.
do what I think is right.
You know,
I do what my heart tells me to do.
And then James said this,
I also told her if anything happens to her where she passes away,
I will fight for guardianship.
You will have looked
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