did Unpaid Intern flop?
TLDR视频脚本讨论了Subreddit社区对新节目《无薪实习生》(unpaid intern)的反响,该节目受到了积极评价,有600至700个高赞帖子。创作者回应了观众对节目宣传和直播形式的批评,强调尽管首播观众数量与前作《Mogul Money》相近,但对节目的VOD(视频点播)表现更为关注。他还提到节目将每月播出,并鼓励观众提出改进建议,尤其是关于嘉宾选择。创作者对节目的未来改进持乐观态度,并邀请观众在Subreddit上分享他们梦想中的嘉宾名单。
- 🚀 主播提到他们的subreddit社区正在迅速增长,有多个帖子获得了六七百的高赞。
- 📈 社区中有很多关于未付费实习生(unpaid intern)的讨论,这成为了一个热门话题。
- 🎥 主播提到了他们新节目《未付费实习生》的宣传和观众反馈,强调尽管有人批评观众人数少,但实际上有50,000人观看,他对此感到满意。
- 📊 主播比较了《未付费实习生》和其精神前作《Mogul Money》的首播观众数,指出两者表现相当。
- 📺 主播强调他更关心视频的点播(VOD)观众而不是直播观众,因为VOD的观众规模更大。
- 🎉 主播认为《未付费实习生》的首播取得了成功,并且对节目的未来改进持乐观态度。
- 🤔 主播提到节目的宣传是一个挑战,因为很难在不直接复制《Taskmaster》的情况下解释《未付费实习生》的节目形式。
- 🗣️ 主播回应了社区中的批评,认为这些批评是出于对节目的喜爱和希望节目更好的愿望。
- 👥 主播提到了邀请嘉宾参加节目的难度,并鼓励社区成员提出他们梦想的嘉宾名单。
- 🎁 主播谈到了他如何通过亚马逊收到许多产品,并有时会将这些产品作为礼物转送给他人,包括他的兄弟。
Q & A
关于未付费实习生(unpaid intern)的节目,观众有哪些反馈?
-视频制作者回应说,他们已经尽力宣传,包括制作预告片、在不同平台上传视频等,并且认为节目的宣传效果与他们之前制作的节目Mogul money相当。
节目Mogul money与未付费实习生节目有何关联?
-未付费实习生节目是Mogul money的精神续作,两者在观众人数上表现相似,Mogul money的第一集在结束时也有55,000的观看人数。
-视频制作者计划每月制作一期节目,并相信每一期都会有所改进,就像他们之前制作的Mogul money节目一样。
📈 子版块讨论与节目反馈
本段落讨论了子版块的活跃度,提到了关于无薪实习生(unpaid intern)的帖子非常受欢迎,并且有很多人对此有强烈的意见。提到了个人最喜欢的节目《无薪实习生》,讨论了节目的广告和观众反馈,以及节目的播放量和观众人数。作者还提到了节目与Mogul Money的比较,强调了VOD(视频点播)的重要性,并解释了为什么他认为节目的观众人数是成功的。最后,作者提到了节目的宣传和制作过程中的一些挑战,以及对未来节目改进的期待。
🎭 节目特色与观众互动
这段落讨论了《无薪实习生》节目的特色,包括其与Taskmaster节目的相似之处和差异。作者提到了节目的原创性和幽默元素,以及观众对节目的不同反应。还提到了节目中的嘉宾Daniel Thrasher,以及对节目改进的建议,比如让决赛任务更有趣。作者强调了观众反馈的重要性,并分享了自己作为流媒体创作者的观点,认为观众的批评和建议是节目改进的动力。最后,作者提到了节目的改进空间,并邀请观众在子版块中分享他们的梦想嘉宾名单。
🛍️ 亚马逊购物与个人轶事
🍩 日常生活与节目安排
💡unpaid intern
💡live stream
💡audio issues
💡Easter eggs
subreddit社区活跃,帖子数量增加,特别是关于无薪实习生(unpaid intern)的讨论。
无薪实习生节目与Mogul money节目的观众量比较,上传者认为表现相当。
am going to go over our subreddit
because the subreddit is oo let me say
popping off a bit folks subreddit
getting big over here we had a few 700
600 upvoted posts so if you guys haven't
already do me a favor please join up on
the subreddit and if you take a look at
our subreddit you'll notice quite a few
posts are about unpaid intern in fact
unpaid intern thoughts unpaid intern
unpaid intern thoughts unpaid intern
review basically a lot of people unpaid
intern feedback have a lot of opinions
about unpaid intern so let's take a look
let's take a look unpaid intern thoughts
personally one of my favorite shows
conceptually and with how it played out
to date but the advertising was straight
ass had no idea of the format from the
trailer didn't know if it was even live
or pre-recorded uh from this and I feel
like the lower viewership reflects this
and how late it was announced stream
ended up being smooth and funny and hope
it continues and St played his role
perfectly just advertise better brother
okay I've seen a lot of this I've seen a
lot of this and I don't know where the
[ __ ] the audacity comes from but I
actually commend you guys for your
delusion cuz you guys are frankly dulu
what do you mean low viewership [ __ ] I
had 50,000 people watching I'm sorry
jogger nogger what are you rocking what
50,000 is good I'm happy with 50,000
what are we talking about here we posted
the video asset the moment it was
available cuz we filmed a specific video
announcement to announce the the show
itself uploaded it here 1.1 million
views we uploaded it on the clip Channel
as well it got half a million views
that's good I'm happy with that I feel
like that's a good announcement and then
unfortunately the day before the show we
had to change the time of the show to an
hour earlier outside of my control it
was something we had to do so I moved
that an hour earlier I also dropped a
YouTube Community post post on Instagram
and here's the biggest piece of info of
all and I looked this up just cuz I was
like damn does these [ __ ] have
a point because that's what you should
do every time someone critic criticizes
you you should be like do they have a
point are they cooking so I looked up I
looked up the info and if you go back to
what this show is a spiritual successor
of let's go back to what this show is a
spiritual successor of which is Mogul
money we notice the first episode of
Mogul money peaked at about the same
viewership 55,00 ,000 views for the
first episode of Mogul money at the very
end so we're doing about as good as the
show that this is a spiritual successor
of by the way that Mogul money episode
did pretty [ __ ] good on YouTube which
is what ultimately matters cuz like
frankly I don't care that much about how
well the video does as a live stream
with live viewership I care more about
the much larger audience which is the
VOD and so the the VOD is actually
already doing quite well we have almost
a million people who watched it and then
I think the edited version which preo is
going to do a number on will get even
more views back to you yeah back to you
so anyway I I don't I've seen this a lot
but I don't know if I necessarily agree
with it at all I genuinely didn't know
if it was going to be live stream now I
did notice this was an issue I noticed
some people weren't sure if it was going
to be a live stream or if it was going
to be a a video or what have you but I
think the issue that I realized is that
it's really hard to explain what unpaid
intern is without doing one of two
things one saying hey this is a ripoff
of Taskmaster which is not what I'm
trying to do or get a across as a
message it is obviously inspired by
Taskmaster which I've said but I think
it has its own Vibe and will continue to
carve out its own Vibe and so I tried to
uh not just [ __ ] lean in to stealing
or just just relating it purely to that
and then the second thing is that it's a
lot easier to explain what it is after
the first one's been done so now that we
have episode one done episode two you're
like oh dude what's unpaid intern You'
be like oh watch this hello hello
welcome and then it's really easy to do
so I think I think that's a general
issue that you have with the first of
anything and every future episode will
be uh easier to explain yeah so I see a
couple people complaining about that but
I think that resolves itself and then I
I I just don't know if I agree with the
advertising point because I think uh
ultimately it got as many views as Mogul
money and I never had that complaint
with Mogul money unless the argument is
that I should just be getting more uh
views why not advertise it weeks in
advance uh well we filmed the trailer
for it the week before but it's just a
lot of work I think you're just
underestimating the amount of work that
goes into like a trailer right so like
we had the concept for the trailer we
filmed the trailer we got cots there but
that was also in the middle of like
filming the tasks and editing the tasks
down and then doing rehearsal for the
live show and then also like doing the
day-to-day [ __ ] but again I'm I'm happy
with the viewership jobs not tasks jobs
not tasks the show will be monthly yeah
jobs not tasks jobs not tasks the show
will be monthly yeah jobs not tasks
unpaid inter unpaid intern might be the
best lwi off friend show yet the format
of the recorded offline then reviewed
live is perfect refreshing the little
Easter eggs and random funny things you
notice while watching like German in the
background was good can't find anything
to dislike hope they continue bro them
not addressing the barrel of lube was
hilarious wasn't it cool I don't know if
you guys watch a show that I think a lot
of you guys noticed that was our stream
room that was our stream room that you
guys bought so I had the bronze wolf we
had the L Barrel we had the Jesus died
for our zins we had everything man we
had everything I could never tell if
schlatt was genuinely upset or not no I
think he was fine cuz at the end of the
day his daddy owns a company Stans did a
great job Stans did a great a great job
which I which is what I was hoping would
happen or you know what what I believed
cuz he's like such a lover of Taskmaster
2 that I thought he'd be really good at
that role and I think he did really well
I think he was he was funny man I was
laughing his Wawa joke his Canadian
aboot joke there were cringe jokes on
paper but the delivery was so good it
made me laugh out loud it's great it's
also Taskmaster he's doing Taskmaster I
know this on purpose it's 100% yoink Can
Twisted from Taskmaster without a shadow
of a doubt but I feel like it will have
its own identity I think Taskmaster is a
show that I would never be able to
replicate just outright like there's no
[ __ ] way even down to the fact that
British humor is something that I don't
think I can capture I just comparing it
to Taskmaster is because the format but
I don't think like the actual viewing
experience and the jokes and what we get
from it will touch the same things that
Taskmaster does cuz I just don't think
we can you know what I mean uh schot was
funny yep Daniel Thrasher is so hot oh
if some people I saw some people like
who's Daniel Thrasher Daniel Thrasher is
a huge YouTuber guys he's a [ __ ]
really funny sketch YouTuber let me show
you an example this is him and I think
we've watched a couple of his videos on
stream before I remember watching this
one where he accidentally writes you
office theme song that was the one that
popped off years ago but he's got damn
near 5 million subscribers uh what if
you got Channing Tatum on the next
episode that's you know what that's an
idea what if I What if I if I just
simply got shanning Tatum we could we
could you know I could consider hey this
is my invite to Channing Tatum right now
if you are watching this Channing Tatum
you are invited on to unpaid interns
unpaid intern thoughts overall I think
the subreddit is being a bit too whiny
about the show I loved it I think there
was audio issues but obviously they know
about it and we'll fix it stand Dynamic
with the contestants let the great bits
if I were to have recommendations I
would make the final tax more
interesting than blowing a bubble I feel
it brings a contestants back to react to
a video and blow bubbl seems like bad
use of their time and seeing the [ __ ]
live would be a blast overall I trust op
random make improvements here's what
I've noticed through my career as a
streamer SL YouTuber is y'all generally
complain or give room for improvements
when something's good and that is a good
thing like I actually have no problem
like you if you sit on your [ __ ] ass
and you watch a show and then you're
like man I would change a live task it
means you're invested enough in the
product that you are actively thinking
of changes you would make to make the
show better so I've never been bothered
by that if you are someone who is like
[ __ ] sitting on your ass you know
armchair quarterback saying well you
know what the [ __ ] production company
should do they should fix the audio
without understanding like a percentage
of audio I'm not I'm zero% offended I
think ultimately it is it is just a a a
sign off that you like the show enough
that you want it to get better and I
also like the fact that the show can and
will get better cuz if you remember the
first episode of Mogul money dude it
wasn't good I mean it wasn't good
straight it was a bad episode like live
compared to the last episode and we got
better every time but we had a bunch of
audio issues on our first episode of
mogle money that we resolved and post
and then we also had like some awkward
is in the live version the edit down is
going to be a lot better the same way it
was for M money for unpaid intern and
then each Progressive episode will be
better so I think that's that's all I
got for that for unpaid intern uh
obviously it's a version of Taskmaster
and it won't be close to the original
show but I thought it was a decent
attempt yes like this this this type of
conversation now cidly although I don't
mind and I you know even I encourage
people to to give their unsolicited
thoughts I don't read it or I don't I
don't put too much stock into it cuz I
know in my mind better than you what was
wrong with the show like everything that
you've thought of for the show I've
watched the show show over three times
already and then also lived it I I've
thought of so I think I have a lot of
ideas on how to improve it but I'm going
to run what I think's best as opposed to
to what y'all think is best don't say
wow I mean I think that makes sense bro
Gass us up to tell us our opinions don't
matter no I'm not saying they don't
matter I'm saying like I trust my own
criticisms of my own I feel like I'm
much harsher on myself than you guys
would ever be on me and I would trust my
vision for how to make something better
if that makes sense you know what I
wouldn't mind is suggestions for
contestants cuz that's actually the
hardest [ __ ] part of my job for it
basically everything I do ever is
getting people to do the [ __ ] shows
germa's a little tough I mean germa
would be an amazing contestant he'd be
[ __ ] probably top three people I
could think of off top it'd be like
germa Joe Biden and Jack Black if I
could pick I think it'd be amazing I
mean I think Joe would be bad but in a
funny way he's the he's the creative
director for the show and I don't think
it it reflected in the credits but like
he's the guy who comes up with the tasks
or the jobs [ __ ] the jobs the jobs the
jobs the jobs I think maybe I think
there might be a thread if there's not
already a thread okay don't type it in
chat right now cuz for me it personally
has to be chaning Tatum okay I'll lock
that in mine look don't put it in this
chat right now cuz I'm not going to
remember any of this it's going to be
one year out the other do me a favor
[ __ ] go go to the subreddit make a
thread about here are my dream guests
for the show and then fill the comments
and then I'll look at it and I will
actually look at it you know pirate
software you know what I'd love is like
a and no I don't mean zero offense I
mean this in a very complimentary way to
pirate software I would love like a
[ __ ] Boomer ass nerdy group like
Northern lion pirate software Sam from
Wendover Productions type beat you know
know what I mean something like that but
I'm just I'm just saying [ __ ] out loud
there's I don't have to confirm at all
what if one of the jobs was paying for
all the parking in La wow that sounds
like a million dooll idea I think the
idea might be too good that we should
save it for somebody else cuz I feel
like I would waste such an amazing idea
lwig regifting our Amazon purchases oh
okay all right wait are you guys mad at
me okay all right hold up let me come
clean you guys bought me a lot of stuff
on Amazon I lost a lot of bets and one
of the bets I lost is that I had to make
a in a bro bro cuz I lost a $1,000
mystery box of American things and so
you know I had some basic things like I
got him a denim jacket I got him a
Celtics Jersey I got him like a
Pop-Tarts febles bar I got him a gun
classic American things but I still had
some room left over and I'm walking
around my house and I happen to see a
book on how to use your [ __ ] as an
ingredient in different foods and I'm
like I don't want that anymore so I
threw that in there I happen to see a
mug that says thanks for all the orgasms
I'm like I don't need that anymore so I
threw that in there why not cuz you know
what I read through the book so much
that I feel like I've already absorbed
all the wisdom it has to offer I feel
like it is better for someone else to
have it now you know cuz I feel like
I've already down I already have a good
download on it I could you repeat a
recipe yeah there was actually a flan a
Spanish style FL where they used a bit
of comant which is sugar you got to
caramelize we don't need to get into
details you get the idea so I did I did
reive some Amazon things okay hour my
brother in Christ he paid for it true
what do you have to say to that chat
picked the items and voted them in he
still paid for them Lau they were his
purchases to do with what he wished okay
nitpick on my use of inclusive language
what on Earth are you talking about I'm
getting told off and downvoted because
they use the word hour to refer okay I
look I guys I don't care about the
Reddit beef I don't care about the
Reddit beef I'm moved on from the red
beef I'm sorry don't be mad at me to be
honest it's not that surprising he does
an Amazon stream every six months or so
and being a Creator at his size
companies are probably sending him stuff
all the time at a certain point if he
doesn't get rid of some of the uh of it
all it'll start to clutter I know he
recently auctioned off a bunch of items
usually what I do is I either wait till
the end of the year and then I do a yard
sale we've done that a couple years now
uh I think last year it was right around
this time we did a yard sale for me a
wish we raised $100,000 120k I think uh
which is a lot of the stuff you guys buy
I I probably will do the same thing this
year but I probably will also continue
regifting some of these cuz I also have
to make a gift pack for Sea Dog and for
uh Papa plots I owe a couple of boxes so
I got to do those to it's actually sick
he's not just throwing them away you are
the goat lwig you are my king keeping
you and never change for nobody you my
my North SAR I'd be lost without you
never leave me okay Mom Crusher a little
bit a little bit heavy a little bit
overbearing there it felt like lwig was
asking for help on stream I think I read
this one right did I read this one sup
everyone if this post crosses the line
feel free to delete it but let's said
posting here was the best way anyway
you're just offering me free Japanese
lessons which is very nice because you
work at a company that does that I have
a Japanese teacher I have a Japanese
teacher we're working through some
textbooks I think he's good at his job
Al beit he has one drawback he's
incredibly horny and I walked in on
having sex also I don't know if you guys
saw this I made a YouTube short about
this today I'm late to my lesson totally
my fault I go into my lesson and I see
his camera and it's on but nothing's on
the screen but I hear two muffled
voices but imagine I'm
shirtless let me follow up I had a
Japanese lesson after this short came
out and you're going to notice one of
the comments on this short couple are
funny L's teachers literally jariah your
teachers live in the Life gigachad your
teacher sounds dope teacher sounds chill
but if you keep scrolling you'll find
who says wait is this him I am the
teacher is this him I can't tell if this
is him or
not but somebody in these comment
sections is a student of my teacher and
so they narked after that short came out
one of my viewers happens to have the
same Japanese teacher and they sent my
Japanese teacher my YouTube short
talking about how I walked in on them
and so my most recent class this week
I'm like what up and he's like what up
and I'm like not not much and is like I
saw one of your YouTube videos and I was
like no nervous that he might be mad at
me for telling that story and then he
pauses and he'll be like damn you have a
big Channel I never knew funny story
anyway we should do some YouTube
together and now after every lesson he's
like you'll have to tell me how to do
YouTube and Tik Tok and I'm like bro I
don't speak Ukrainian I don't know if I
can figure that [ __ ] out but all right
it is what it is but he was about it he
was about it and now because he found my
YouTube channel he's always like you're
very rich aren't you and I'm like I'm
like yeah yes yeah yeah I'm doing quite
well and he's like oh and then he'll be
like is it cool and I'm like yeah it's
kind of cool yeah I guess I can't I
can't get out of it now I can't get out
of it luds Alma moer stealing from him
Hydration Station wait that does look
like Mogi that looks so much like Moi
this event is open to Barrett the honors
college students join us in be suet and
learn about the importance of staying
hydrated dude this is moy no do we have
Moi walking whistling is this Mogi this
looks exactly like Mogi also what the
[ __ ] is this event am I crazy what the
[ __ ] is this Hydration Station what are
they doing in this event they're talking
about water and that you should drink it
if you don't know Barrett at Arizona
State University is reserved for the
honors students so you need a certain
GPA maintaining like a 3.5 I think to
stay in the college the specific
barretts college and and to even get in
you need to have a very good GPA in in
test scores why the [ __ ] are the
smartass people just figuring out you
need to drink water aren't you supposed
to be smart as [ __ ] how all right
whatever man what I always thought
Barrett kids were [ __ ] overrated man
I was never in bar they were too good
for me too good for me question mark me
IRL I can only dream of being this cool
me IR dude this is so Reddit pilled this
is crazy this is the most Reddit post
I've ever seen in my
life oh my God what's cool about it it's
quite appealing LOL going down a
slippery slope lamu I use banan to
I forgot I did that I forgot I did that
yeah I forgot I did that that's funny
funny I I hate people replying
everything with insane take it's not an
insane take to pleasure yourself with
banana it's just an act a story in three
parts do you guys think he will get me a
donut uh cutie textt me and said I want
to get a donut today got it it was mid
dude cue's got this thing that isn't
ultimately that bad for me but kind of
pisses me off off cue's thing is that
she knows exactly what she wants and she
only wants what she wants I'll give you
an example if she wants ice cream she
does not want ice cream she wants Ben
and Jerry's fish food ice cream if she
wants pasta she doesn't want pasta she
wants spagetti with meatballs and so for
the most part it helps cuz then we can
get exactly what she wants here's the
issue she has that trait combined with
being a horrible orderer cuz the thing
she wants is usually just bad and she
will self admit this so when she was
like I want a donut I was like hell yeah
let's get a donut but she's like ah I
want a pink dut and I'm like well the
pink Donuts are just automatically worse
I mean they just are worse they don't
look pink because they're using the best
flavoring they look pink because they've
put some bad [ __ ] on it to make it look
pink we could get a much better doughnut
in the city of Los Angeles where there
are many amazing donuts that will look
more natural looking but she's like no I
want a pink donut and so we get the pink
donut I get it I do it I go through the
whole thing I get her the pink donut
Bing Bang Boom but it's mid it's mid and
so I've had to I've had to realize my
job as a boyfriend is to allow her to
eat mid food and not be phased by that
that's my I have to I have to just I
have to swallow it I have to be like
that she'll be like it was bad I'll be
like ah bummer cuz before it used to
kind of eat me up I'd feel bad I'd feel
like [ __ ] dude it's mid we should get
something else we should figure it out
and it's like I can't I can't be doing
that I just got to I just got to be like
a was mid [ __ ] sucks what can you do we
got rolled today we'll get him next time
classic lwig l I didn't do anything
rainbolt calling lwig out clickbait then
the question is is Josh or lwig better
and I think I have to go with lwig I
think this is pretty fair I would love
to see these four like kind of go at it
and aren't these two side men those are
side men right I would watchh the side
men are you better than NL I'm
definitely better than NL look nl's good
but he's good like old person good like
has absorbed knowledge throughout the
years good like oh I believe that's a
Slavic based language based off the the
writing here and that could perhaps land
Us in you know I'm good because I'm like
there's blue on both sides of the
license plate that must be Italy a a
southern part of Italy blow Naples like
he doesn't have that in him I'm
basically like a baby version of
rainbolt and he's like a baby version of
Geo wizard yeah that's a great way to
put it I'm book smarty Street Smart so I
think and but I think I mean ultimately
for geog guesser it's better to be books
smart new stream time for Saturday I
don't get why lwig Always isn't two you
guys are so annoying [ __ ] dude cuz
that's when the trailer was ready
according to Stans the offbrand team
urged L to announce it sooner okay Stans
is smoking hot [ __ ] piss the video
wasn't ready until the day I released it
I released it the hour the video was
done the hour it was done but there was
an issue where I had to move the show up
the day of or the day before which was
not planned or intended but it was out
of my control I had to do it we just had
to do it I wish I could have done it
couldn't have done it you could announce
it pre-t trailer guys I had 50,000 live
viewers I'm happy with it I don't know
where this thing comes where you guys
dictate what level of viewership I need
to be happy but I'm telling you 50k is
good I'm happy what number do you need
for me for for me what like what number
do you need me to get what what are we
doing here 50 is good there's 14,000
people in here we had triple that amount
and then some that's good overlooked
lwig scam uh at the streamer Awards on
his driver's license IRL okay all right
you know what I think that's enough
subreddit for today I think it's enough
I think it's enough subred for today
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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