DDL: Data Mesh - Lessons from the Field
TLDR在本集DDL节目中,AutoTrader的工程总监Darren Hacken与主持人、ACIL联合创始人兼CTO Shashanka讨论了数据领域的演变和数据网(Data Mesh)的概念。Darren分享了他个人的职业经历,以及AutoTrader如何通过分散数据团队来提高数据处理能力。他们还探讨了数据网的实施,包括如何通过数据产品和元数据管理来实现更好的数据治理和可观察性。Darren对数据网的未来充满期待,认为它将帮助组织以更分散的方式构建和利用数据产品。
- 🎉 Darren Hacken 是 AutoTrader 的工程总监,负责平台和数据,该公司是英国最大的汽车平台。
- 🚀 Darren 初期对数据工作不感兴趣,但随着大数据技术的兴起,他对数据领域产生了热情。
- 🌐 AutoTrader 的数据团队设置相对分散,有多个平台团队和专注于特定问题领域的数据团队。
- 🔄 数据团队的演变从集中式到分散式,反映了随着组织规模的扩大,对数据管理方式的适应。
- 🤖 数据网格(Data Mesh)是一种社会技术概念,强调了文化和团队结构的重要性,以及如何实现去中心化。
- 🛠️ 实施数据网格的过程中,AutoTrader 遇到了技术工具集中化与去中心化需求之间的差距。
- 📊 通过 Kubernetes 和 Data Hub,AutoTrader 正在构建数据产品的思维和实践,以提高数据的可发现性和治理。
- 🔧 数据网格的实施带来了对数据产品命名和数据建模实践的新挑战。
- 🌟 Darren 认为数据产品的概念是数据网格中最有力的部分,它有助于更好地组织和利用数据。
- 🚫 数据网格的实施并非一蹴而就,需要时间和持续的技术进步来克服现有的挑战。
- 🔮 未来,Darren 期待数据网格和数据产品能够进一步推动组织内部的数据使用和创新,特别是在 AI 和 ML 领域。
Q & A
Darren Hacken目前担任什么职位?
-Darren Hacken目前担任AutoTrader公司的工程总监,负责平台和数据方面的工作。
Darren Hacken对于数据领域有哪些看法?
-Darren Hacken非常关注数据领域,他认为数据是非常重要的,可以塑造和改变组织,并且随着AI和ML等技术的发展,数据领域一直在成长。
Darren Hacken的职业经历中有哪些转变?
-Darren Hacken在职业生涯初期并不喜欢数据相关工作,因为他不喜欢基于ETL工具的重复性工作。但随着大数据技术的兴起,他发现数据领域变得非常吸引人,最终成为了他热爱的领域。
Darren Hacken提到的数据产品是什么?
Darren Hacken如何看待数据治理和元数据管理?
-Darren Hacken认为数据治理和元数据管理是实现数据分散化后的关键需求,特别是在数据产品之间建立清晰的所有权和依赖关系,以及确保数据的质量和安全性。
Darren Hacken提到了哪些技术在数据领域的应用?
-Darren Hacken提到了DBT、Kubernetes、Cuberes、数据Hub等技术在数据领域的应用,这些技术帮助他们实现了数据产品的创建、管理和治理。
Darren Hacken对于数据领域的未来有哪些期待?
-Darren Hacken期待数据产品的概念能够更加深入人心,同时他也希望看到更多支持数据分散化的技术出现,使得数据管理和治理变得更加容易。
Darren Hacken如何看待数据领域的挑战?
-Darren Hacken认为数据领域的挑战在于如何保持数据质量和实践的高标准,以及如何在没有中央团队的情况下维持这些标准。此外,数据命名和建模也是持续存在的挑战。
Darren Hacken对于数据合同有何看法?
-Darren Hacken认为数据合同是一个有趣的领域,他们目前更多地隐含地使用数据合同,通过标准化的方法和验证器来检测模式变化,并对未来数据合同的发展持开放态度。
🎤 开场与介绍
本段介绍了视频节目的开场,主持人表达了对讨论话题的兴奋之情,并欢迎嘉宾Darren Hacken加入节目。Darren是AutoTrader的工程总监,负责平台和数据。主持人Shashanka是acil的联合创始人和CTO,也是数据Hub项目的创始人。Darren分享了他与数据结缘的经历,以及他如何从不喜欢数据工作转变为对数据充满热情。
🔍 数据团队的结构与运作
🌐 数据网格的理解和实践
🛠️ 数据产品的治理与挑战
🔄 数据产品的创建与管理
🤔 数据网格的挑战与未来
🚀 数据网格的未来展望
🙌 结语与感谢
💡数据网格(Data Mesh)
💡数据产品(Data Products)
💡数据治理(Data Governance)
💡数据平台(Data Platform)
💡数据团队(Data Teams)
💡数据所有权(Data Ownership)
💡数据质量(Data Quality)
💡数据发现(Data Discovery)
💡数据合同(Data Contracts)
💡数据架构(Data Architecture)
Darren讨论了数据网格(Data Mesh)的概念以及它如何帮助组织实现数据的去中心化。
hello everyone and welcome to episode
four of the ddl show I am so excited
that we're going to be talking about a
topic that used to be exciting and has
stopped being exciting and that itself
is exciting so I'm super excited to
bring on Darren hacken uh I think our
first conversation Darren was literally
on the data mesh learning group first
time we met um and so it's it's kind of
a full circle I'm super excited to
welcome you to the show Darren is an
engineering director heading up uh
platform and data at AutoTrader and I'm
your host shashanka co-founder and CTO
at uh acil and founder of the data Hub
project so Darren tell us uh about
yourself and how you got into Data hi
shash thank you for having me today um
yeah so my name is Darren I work for a
company in the UK in the United Kingdom
called aut Trader so we're a
automotive Marketplace and Technology
platform that drives it's the UK's
largest um Automotive platform so buying
and selling cars that kind of thing and
one of the areas I deeply deeply care
about is is the data space um so here at
aut Trader I kind of look after our kind
of data platform um the capabilities
that we need in order to surface data
been working in data a long time now
maybe eight nine years um I my I Funny
Story I v I would never work in data
because when I started my career I
worked in fintech for in a in a data
team and I absolutely hated it because
it was all guwy based ETL tools and I
got out of this F as I possibly could
and said never again I love engineering
I you know I'm a coder I need to get
away and do this other thing you don't
like pointing and clicking clearly I
didn't like pointing and clicking I like
I like code um and then it kind of got
really sexy and big data and technology
changed and I think it's one of the most
exciting areas of Technology now so
never say never is probably my I always
find that a funny kind of starting point
for me in terms of data to leave a leave
a rooll and go never again and here I am
um so yeah passionate about data really
think it's one of them things that
really can shape and change
organizations it's um and it's it's
growing all the time right with things
like Ai and LMS and hype Cycles around
things like that but yeah thanks for
having me they do say data has gravity
and you know uh normally it's like
pulling other data close to it but uh
clearly people also get attracted to it
and can never leave I was literally the
same way uh well I never went to data
and I wasn't able to leave so I was um
you know an engineer on the um online
data infrastructure teams right so I was
uh doing U display ads and uh doing
real-time bidding on ads at Yahoo and
then I uh was offered the uh chance of a
lifetime to go rebuild linkedin's data
infrastructure and I didn't actually
know what data meant at that point I was
scared of databases honestly because you
know it's hard to build something that's
supposed to be a source of Truth like
wait you're responsible for actually
making sure the right actually made it
to dis and it actually got flushed and
was replicated three times so that no
one loses an update well that seems like
a hard problem so you know that was my
mission impossible that I went to
LinkedIn for and I never left I've just
been in data this whole time so can
totally relate you never escape the
gravity you do not um so well so you're
you're leading big uh teams at auto
trader right now you know platform and
data tell me a little bit about what
that team does because you know as I
have talked to so many data leaders
around the world it seems clear to me
that all data teams are similar but not
all teams are exactly the same so maybe
walk our audience through what does the
data team do and who are the surrounding
teams and how do they interact with them
yeah um so we've so interestingly aut
Trader as a or A's been around for about
40 years so they started as a magazine
you could go into your you know local
store and find the magazine and pick it
up so that's interestingly means that as
Technologies evolved throughout the
decades you know they've gone through
many chapters of of it um but today
we're relatively decentralized in terms
of our data team setup and you know
we'll get into that I guess a little bit
more when we talk about data mesh today
um but we have a kind of platform team
so we have several platform teams and we
have a platform team um predominantly
built made up of Engineers and kind of
Sr de you know folks and they build um
what we call our data platform and that
is the kind of product name I guess for
the bundling of
technology which would would help Drive
data capabilities across the
organization you know that might be
building data products which we can get
into later it could be um metadata
management how to create security
policies with data um but crucially
their play is about building
capabilities that let other people um
lose these capabilities and and build
technology and other than that we try to
keep data teams closer to um the domain
of of a of an area or a problem so we
may have data teams we focus a lot on
like advertising or user Behavior maybe
more around like vehicles and pricing
and fulfillment type problems um but we
we tend to have kind of Engineers or
Engineers that specialize in data um
scientists and analysts so they they're
kind of as a discipline together and
manage together from a craft perspective
but then in terms of how how they work
together we chend to form form them
around problems um pricing as I said
earlier and things like that and they
would maybe do analytics self- serve
analytics um product analytics machine
learning um you know feature engineering
very much that kind of thing and we're
trying to keep it as close to kind of
engineering as as possible so very much
a decentralized play or that's been our
current our current generation of people
wear and team topologies um got it got
it and by the way for the audience who's
listening in um definitely uh feel free
to ask questions we'll we'll try to pull
them up uh as they come in so you know
this is meant to be me talking to Darren
and Darren talking to me and all of you
being uh having the ability to kind of
participate in the conversation so um
definitely as we keep talking about this
topic uh keep asking questions and we'll
try to pull them up and um combine them
so Darren you talked a little bit about
how the teams were structured it
definitely resonated with kind of how uh
LinkedIn evolved over the over the years
I was there we started out uh with uh a
single data team that was uh responsible
for both platform as well as
uh business so you know they were
responsible for making decisions like
what warehousing technology to use and
how to go about it and then but also
building the executive dashboard and
building the foundational data sets we
had so many debates about whether to
call them foundational or gold but the
concept was still the same you build
kind of the the the canonical business
model on top of which you want all um
insights as well as you know analytics
as well as AI to be derived from and
then over the years we definitely had a
lot of stress with that centralization
and had to kind of split apart the
responsibilities uh we ended up going to
a model where there was essentially a
data unaware or semantics unaware team
that was fully responsible just for the
platform and um sub teams that emerged
out of those out of that original team
that sometimes got fully embedded into
product delivery teams to actually um
essentially have a local Loop where
product gets built data comes out of it
and then the whole Loop of creating
insights models and features and then
shipping it back into the product was
all owned and operated by um a specific
team so it looks like that's kind of
where you've ended up as well yeah in
fact that's spookily similar I mean we
started definitely more centralized and
then these teams sort of came out of
that more centralized model so like we
we built a team about use behavior and
advertising kind of build that that went
really well and then they felt a lot
more connected and it did evolve like
that um and and a lot of this I think
just spawns from scale really so I mean
my organization is definitely another
the figers where you were previously
working shashanka but we definitely find
that you know the more hungaryan
organization gets for data eventually
you you simply can't keep up with this
centralized team with this scarcity of
resource and everyone fighting over the
same thing gets really hard to think
about you know do I invest in the
finance team do I uh invest in our
advertising or our marketing team so
like eventually like partitioning almost
your resource in some way feels
inevitable that you have to to otherwise
it becomes it becomes so
hard cool so let's let's let's talk
about the topic of
the day what does data mesh mean to you
then now that we've kind of understood
how the teams have evolved and what your
uh teams are doing day today yeah and I
think it's a really good point that we
started around teams and culture
actually because that is really what I
think the heart of what J mesh is um so
I I used to work um For Thought Works
where shaku also kind of came up with
the the data mesh thing um kind of came
from and I I wasn't working at the time
but I remember reading it and we've
we're already on this journey of like we
need to decentralize and our platform is
really important to us and we need
capabilities and we want more people to
do that and in fact you know we were
succeeding at decentralizing and scaling
um but I think when we did that we were
entering new spaces where a lot of
people hadn't really talked about it so
for me data mesh one of the things that
it means it's a you know socio technical
thing a cultural thing it's like devops
really or something like that for me
she's done a great job describing how
um you know get there like data products
and all this kind of thing but one of
the great things I think that J did with
talking about dat mesh was built a
lexicon a grammar a way of us all
communicating to each other like
shashanka me and you met on a on a data
mesh you know community and immediately
we we were able to speak at a level that
we simply wouldn't have been able to
maybe if we would have met five years
ago and try to have the same
conversation um so a lot of it's that
for me that's what data mesh is it's
about it's a it's a method or an
architectural pattern or set of
principles or guidelines about how you
could achieve decentralization and and
move away from this this Central team
and kind of break apart from it um and
that has been and that has been the big
draw right to of of the concepts because
a lot of people relate to it uh and kind
of resonate with it and then that from
that um what is it Summit of Hope comes
the the valley of Despair where you you
start figuring out okay how do I
translate this idea into reality and how
much do I need to change um so walk us
through your journey of like how have
you implemented data mesh how have you
taken these principles and brought them
to life or at least attempted to bring
them to life and we'll see how you feel
about it like would you give yourself an
a grade or a b-grade we we'll we'll
figure that out later but what have you
done in in BR to life so so at the point
when we started trying to apply data
mesh um we were in this place where we
we decentralized some of our teams but
our technology underneath is still very
much centralized and shared so almost
like a monolith with teams contributing
to it but everything was partitioned or
structured around technology so we'd end
up with I don't know a DBT projects or
something right or we had a monolith
around spark jobs and things it's very
technology partitioned um and then when
we started looking at data mesh we were
really excited because one of the big
things that we took out it was this term
data product and we're like great we've
now found this this this language to
describe how we were going to try and
break things down like before that we
were trying to break break you know lots
of data down into chunks of data but we
just couldn't think of like the wording
gave us a lot more power to to start
communicating so we we started trying to
break down our DBT monolith essentially
into Data products um and that's been
one of our journeys of like breaking it
partitioning it and doing that so that
was the big starting point of doing that
um so it was very much like we had some
teams that were decentralized and then
like how do we almost catch the
technology up so DBT was the starting
point of
that so you went from a monolithic repo
where all of your transformation logic
was being
hosted to chopping it up and um
splitting it up uh across multiple
different teams um great so once you did
that what did you then
find well then you find that the tooling
and system that we've got today has some
gaps when you start to think about
decentralization like a lot of the
technologies that we use in the data
space do promote very much very Central
centralized approach um like I think
it's becoming a little bit less popular
but you know airflow it' be like one
airflow for your whole
organization EBT might say one big
projects even though they are saying
that less now but there was definitely a
period where like you know that was the
that was the popular approach so we you
broke things apart
and now you've got gaps between data
products where you've got DBT and DBT
and now you've got gaps and that's where
you really start to realize that there
are other requirements that start to
come in that you need and two big ones
that felt obvious for us were around
data governance metadata kind of knowing
more about these data products at at a
met at a meta level observability and
how you define that and also how you
start creating security policy between
them so it's the classic thing of when
organizations move to microservices like
all of a sudden like monitoring between
things things breaking in you know in
the infrastructure level between the the
network protocol starts to
happen I think the data world is not
there and is catching up and I think it
will one day but today they were some of
the gaps that we started to see um so
like by breaking down I'll give you an
example so like by breaking down dbts
have this monolith with maybe I don't
know 50 people working on an area of a
monolith and then you break that down
into Data products you then start to
realize well we didn't really have clear
ownership with that like who owned it
like people were contributing together
as maintainers maybe but who owns who
owns this data asset who actually who is
the team that do it and that's where we
started to realize well you need kind of
metadata over the top to start labeling
things like that or we also had this
other symptom coming out because we had
all of our code in one place it was very
easy for like team a and Team B to use
data between each other and not really
realize and start creating dependencies
so then we were almost trying to start
using metadata to say well who should be
allowed to use my data product and that
stuff starts to get teased out so cross
cross team discoverability cross team
lineage and visibility and some sort of
understandability and governance and
across uh started to become an important
need for you yeah exactly like if you're
a analyst or a scientist when it was all
in one monolith they essentially just
open the Brows expand and try to find
data they were looking for and then when
we break things out more into Data
products and you've not got that kind of
ability we started to see people kind of
move into slack and looking for tribal
knowledge and being like hey does anyone
know where I can
find this data product I used to see it
in the monolith somewhere where is it
now who owns it and things like that so
this is where like
discoverability um lineage became even
more critical who was the owner should
this person change this code or should
it be only the owner that kind of thing
and these were really positive things
for is actually but when it was one
monolith we just couldn't we couldn't
really see that we were kind of missing
some of these quality components I guess
to to data
management so what did you end up uh
using for that uh to solve that
problem um so initially um we started
simple and what we did is we we used um
there's like a meta Block in DBT and we
started to Define Mead at that level and
then we started building kind of CIS or
tooling around it in our in our build
processes to grab that metad dator and
and make
decisions and that sort of gave us the
confidence the confirmation right that
this hypothesis we had that metadata was
going to like a metadata aware
environment was going to help drive a
lot of automation a lot of um data
management decisions right through
systems not through humans and then we
ended up um moving to uh to data Hub to
acrel and and using that as the the
product to start collecting U metadata
and and like building this kind of
connections between data products and
treating that as a first class citizen
now you started the conversation talking
about not liking pointand click
experiences and not liking you know
being in the UI too much if you could
avoid it so how have you tried to apply
those same principles in how you've
implemented data mesh like are your data
owners and data producers and consumers
kind of going into acry and typing out a
ton of documentation or annotating data
sets or like how how are they bridging
these two worlds between you know the
the product experience and you know the
the DBT meta yaml you know
yeah yeah I wish I wish we'd fully solve
this I mean our preference is always to
try and do as much inversion control as
possible um so like one of the big
initial challenges we had that has made
this journey feel frankly quite slow it
there's no there's no tooling that
exists to create a data product that I'm
whereever all if it is it's it's it's
hot off the press so um we're heavy
users of cuberes that's how we manage a
lot of our services um and for those on
today that don't know much about cuberes
one of the great things that it has is
is almost like a resource manifest or
it's got a database underneath it where
if I want to create a resource in the
cloud I can create this resource and it
is like a a gaml definition and I can I
can do that so what we started to do was
Define definitions for data products
create them as resources and store them
in in kubes um and kubernetes is very
nice because it also has like events so
it can send events when new resources
created and when they're updated and all
that kind of thing so we've gone to this
place where we've provisioned data
products and then we've automated
creating them so again that's very um
kind of data products as code I guess
and we try to do the same for as much as
we can with tools like me Data Systems
and and other things um and that's
mostly to have that governance of of the
metadata so like The Meta to to be
active with the metadata and to automate
things with it we need so youve
essentially used kubernetes as your
control plane for for data and anytime
any changes happen you've got your
operators kind of publishing metadata as
events that comes into acry and that's
why everything stays fresh and life I
think uh that's that's essentially how
we've implemented it so and then yeah we
use like like a broader view so like
you've almost got like the
infrastructure view in cues and then the
data product view is almost um wrapped
around that and we we use data hub for
that to kind of fully complete the
picture so if I'm a product manager or
somebody like that they would gravitate
more towards the viewing in data Hub my
data platform team probably gravitate
more into the kind of QB's world because
they're looking get you know like big
query provisioning snowflake
provisioning um object storage service
service accounts that kind of thing
right right so you fully embraced kind
of this shift left philosophy of
defining data metadata all of these
things as code checking them in
versioning them and I guess you're
waiting for the promised land where this
and the product experience kind of bire
work with each other and are able to to
you know stay in sync and you know you
can kind of live between the two worlds
uh without
losing uh
context yeah and I think I think that's
one of the big challenges with data mesh
today is just I guess it's like the cost
still is very high to to apply these
principles um but you don't need to
apply them all in one go like I mean
we've been kind of progressing towards
this this as a as a kind of Journey but
I I really still hope that we will start
to see more emerging technology um it's
just really hard because like as I kind
of said before we moved into a data mesh
world every technology almost is very
they own one piece of the stack so you
have a one company that just own
scheduling airflow one company that own
transformation for example and it's
really hard because you kind of need to
Pivot that round and have somebody just
say we'll let you define data products
and they're going to span multiple
Technologies that's a hard problem but
it it doesn't feel
unsolvable I mean we we did it right
internally um other companies are doing
this it it must be possible um and and
even I I mean I feel promised today that
things like data Hub exist and we have
far better observability tools yeah like
five years ago I we we didn't have any
observability tools really that even
remotely close to anything you could get
in terms of monitoring a microservice it
just didn't exist yeah so I feel hopeful
but it's we know it's a journey we all
have to kind of we go on together
definitely a journey I mean we started
out with um you know data Hub the
project started out first with saying
let's just bring visibility let there be
light I guess is how we started out with
like let's actually shine a light on all
the corners of your data stack and to
you know right now we're just talking de
DBT right but in general we talk DBT and
upstream and further Upstream in fact
when we look at our Telemetry and we
look at what are the things that people
are connecting data Hub up to guess what
is the number one source that people
connected to
postgress so postgress is still winning
and is still dominant because a lot of
data lives on postgress and so you know
that width and breadth is kind of the
central piece that we went after making
sure visibility was kind of prioritized
and now we're starting to see stories
where people are using it for
definitional data uh checkout.com for
example has done data products and they
Define them and register them on data
Hub and on the back of the chain stream
once you have a data product registered
they're starting to provision stuff in
the back like they're starting to
provide access or even set up those
tables so I think we're starting to see
that next step that you were alluding to
happen uh Even in our community so we've
talked a lot about kind of things you
did the technology you used let's talk
about the things that didn't work the
things you haven't yet
implemented so I think one of the
hardest things that's come from data
mesh um
is the architectural strain that it can
it can put on an organization so like
we've we've decentralized and now we
have like data teams focused on domains
and other things and that goes well but
it also it's much harder to encode at a
platform level what good looks like for
some for architecture around software
and even more so for um for data
products like what do you name a data
product like people people with te when
people did data warehousing and they had
a you facts and dimensions there are
bucks and bucks and Bucks telling you
recommended practices about how to name
tables based on certain character St
istics of the table I'm yet to find like
the you know like if I think about my
background in building apis you'd have
like different design patterns for them
and all that like we're still we're
still lacking that so we spend a lot of
time trying to think about like what do
we call this is it performance data is
it metrics is it like what are these
words that we should use but then also
gener encode um design patterns in them
because when you've got smaller units of
data like the design patterns that you
would create them is kind of different
if it was one humongous thing that you
would have apply these two so that's
being really difficult and then I think
not having that centralized team it it's
it's much harder to keep the sort of the
quality of the the practice is high when
it's decentralized it just takes a lot
of work in a way um that you wouldn't
need in a centralized team and we also
see this other scenario where if like if
a data team's closer to the product team
and they're also very skilled at
engineering you know they might say oh
well maybe we could stop doing that data
work and they could do some more product
work for example so you get like
stresses like that where you know You'
kind of decentralized and generalized
more and that tension now is sometimes
you want specialized and you want to
hold on to that and then there's there's
just that like think that challenge that
as a as a data leader you wouldn't have
had when you just have a box and say
that's that's your centralized data team
like it's it's allocated so that's
definitely one of the the challenges
that we've we've come under and quality
is a big part of that like how do you
how do you kind of work out if this data
product is of a higher quality than
one um we're starting to make a lot of
progress with that with with metadata
again where we're starting to kind of
label you know Puris stics like number
of incidents owners and building up kind
of a almost like a metad quity
framework yeah yeah
exactly cool I think it's uh I mean
don't beat yourself up too much naming
is hard I think it's one of the two
problems that are hard about computer
science so I think it'll continue to be
a a challenge wait till you get to
caching data products and then that'll
be uh the next hard problem but data
modeling completely agree um in fact
even at LinkedIn you know where we like
I said went through this journey of
going from centralized to trying to
decentralize and we faced it in the
microservices world very quickly uh we
started realizing data modeling prti
practices started uh fracturing and um
the initial reaction was really get
controled back and the the first thing
we did was formed a data model Review
Committee and for you know any LinkedIn
alumni or you know existing LinkedIn
employes if you're you know tuned in you
might kind of start to shudder and
Jitter because you know dmrc or data
model Review Committee was was a very uh
traumatic experience for the whole
company it was it was great for
centralized control but resulted in a
lot of delays um as as products went to
production because um halfway through
you know shipping a product you would
certainly get caught and and get told
that you have to go back and redesign
your your schema or your um your your
model and so you know that team spent
kind of a year or two asserting control
and then the next year or two trying to
Tool themselves out of existence and so
so I think we'll we'll see that kind of
pattern emerge in in real world
deployments as well where we'll see
these Central teams kind of have those
anxiety attacks when they start
decentralizing try to assert control
through gatekeeping but then realize
gatekeeping doesn't work and so you have
to kind of tool yourself out of
existence by just finding a way to
declare what good looks like finding a
way to describe what that good looks
like in a programmatic way and then
provid it to a platform that can then
make that thing happen so I think still
for me in my opinion something that uh
you know some folks like us are doing a
little bit of that in our product but I
think the future uh is is kind of being
able to autod describe what good looks
like and then uh being able to stand
standardize those practices without
needing uh too much human gatekeeping to
happen um would love to pull up uh one
of the questions from the audience at
this point before we uh drop into kind
of uh chatting about the future um you
know we have a question from the
audience around like are you using data
contracts if you are um we've talked a
lot about data products um and
thankfully we didn't talk about what a
data product is because that would be a
whole different hour conversation but
let's uh let's move and talk about data
contracts are you using them how was the
contract structured are you using a
standard template or something else
yeah so this feels like we what the way
um so we we kind of try to left shift a
lot of contracts or rigor around this
stuff so like for
example we had a real big push that if
we were going to ingest um data into the
analytical plane into our our data
platform we would expect that everything
was using AOS schemas and using Kafka
therefore like you're kind of shifting
responsibility back to a producer team
they need to you know make sure there is
a really good contract there and we have
got to this place where we've got
versioning and and really good things
like that and and and checks um so we
have that but between data products this
is definitely one of the areas that I'm
very very interested in is is we've been
doing data contracts probably more
implicitly so we have a bunch of
standardized um like method dat tests
and and validators um and we we try to
detect things um in a very automated way
detecting schem of changes and then kind
of triggering that for some of these
look into but I'm very much interested
in in in where the industry is moving
now where we're thinking about data
contracts um I find this I find this
space quite surprising because
everyone's talking about it or was but
it was very revolutionary not
evolutionary and as a as a as a
technologist as an engineer these feeli
like yeah like this this is a very much
a an obvious thing that I would do if I
was building an API for example I would
expect a contract and a and a schemer in
place but as as in most instances the
the data world is always a bit nent to
to some of these practices um but it it
seemed really positive and it's worked
in a lot of other software engineering
domains I think there's definitely a
bunch of uh so so thanks for for that
um uh response I think there's
definitely a lot
sociological processes that happen in
the data world where we get attracted to
A New Concept a new term we all rally
it uh we try to make that a
reality and then you know in a couple of
years disillusionment starts setting in
because heart problems continue to stay
hard and then um often a new term
emerges and then we all rally around
that um the the hard problems I think
around data quality data governance
metadata management they have continued
to stay hard and challenging um and I
think at different points in the
evolution of the data industry we've
kind of picked up different phrases as
the rallying cry to go and do something
about it so in fact I think about data
meeses an example of something like that
I think about data contracts or
something similar to that so you know
Gartner I think earlier this week or
maybe last week uh published an update
saying data mesh is now dead or it's
about to disappear we're not not no
longer tracking it or something like
that so what is your advice for others
that are thinking of either starting
continuing or abandoning their data mesh
strategies yeah I I could
have I can't tell if this is just you
know a marketing cycle around you know
like I'm I'm I'm expecting the articles
of data mesh is dead long live data mesh
next than you know the classic troes I
mean I think I think Ryan Dolly actually
did a quick video last week or this week
yeah so it's it's I think modern data
stack is dead so that's the new
marketing cycle and then the DAT mesh is
is is either dead or about to be dead so
that's the other other conversation
doing the rounds but anyways what what
do you think well well I think that
throughout all of my career as a
technologist as an engineer we we go
organizations have a level of
centralization or decentralization
around technology period um so so to me
data mesh was all about this idea that
particular organizations don't want to
be centralized it becomes too much of a
constraint for them to succeed with data
which isn't for everybody like I
wouldn't recommend you know an
organization of five people like a
startup should go all in on day mesh I
think it comes with a particular amount
of size right and need um you kind of
outgrow the central team just like most
other technology problems come with
scale so to me data mesh is all about
giving us that language and a set of
principles and values about how to
succeed at
decentralization maybe they AR aren't
right maybe some are good and some
aren't quite as good or they can't
really quite get there because
technology isn't ready today may be
ready in three years five years or maybe
it never will but I I can't imagine a
world where there isn't a reasonable
number of size organizations that need
to be more decentralized with how they
work with data um so I kind of don't
worry if it wins or dies I suppose on
some level because of that the bit which
I do really hope succeeds is that the
technology gets there Rises the occasion
to make it easier and I think biggest
reason I'm passionate about that is one
of the things that has changed for my
organization by doing data mesh is the
the data product thinking the product
thinking over data like when we went and
built some of our data products you kind
of um how to describe this like
sometimes like data is so fine grained
it's like grains of sand you know on the
beach and you can't you can't see like I
could build a castle right out of this
or anything so like when we start to
like group data and do that and catalog
and structure things you go actually we
could go further here you know um like
as an example we we we get lots of
observations about car sales and other
things and then we sort of realize when
we could see the shape of that that
actually we could go further and we
could start to bring more like
confidence intervals on sales and look
ahead and do forecasting and we could
always do that the data was there to
always do that by having shapes around
data products that was the exciting
thing so I think if to kind of conclude
that I think if it wins or succeeds I
think it's about if any of that lives on
and I think it should for any
organization that's that's the key thing
so if data mesh falls out of
popularity I I imagine there just be
another architectural blueprint about
how to do decentralization because I
can't I can't see that going away in
every company around the world so long
live data mesh principles yeah yeah sure
okay great um so on that note you know
you've you've
got uh the wind behind your back you've
done um data s code metadata s code
shift left you're you're kind of doing
control plane for data from what it
seems like with you know with kubernetes
as your um provider layer what are you
excited for uh about the future is it
continuing this decentralization game
and kind of making self data and then um
high quality data across teams a reality
or is it AI or is it like what what does
the future look like for your
teams well I think everybody is excited
about llms aren't they so isn't that are
given um I think for data mesh and data
products I think
I'm uh although we've made a lot of
progress there's just so much to do um
like we run a lot of our operational
servic our microservices our apis and
our you know operational systems on Qs
and we have applied a lot of these same
principles that were applying to the
data world today
operationally and it's it's completely
transformed how our organization
operates you know how we deploy Services
just how mature we are as a technology
business and I just see such an obvious
road to keep going that way with data
mesh and you know increase our profits
increase our time to Market find better
and more engaging ways of using our
data um you know shorten Cycles around
how we do an ml product and go to market
so that's probably one of the largest
areas that excites me with data mesh
it's the possibilities of what we get
more out of our
data where we're seeing this happen a
lot today is is probably now starting to
show up in more of our business areas so
like more emphasis on say marketing more
emphasis on um customer experience like
how we bring data into these spaces more
and and by unbundling from Central team
and building data teams and data
products around them with STS will lock
a lot more things with them than we
would have done when we had that that
that kind of centralized team with
everybody fighting over it um so that's
what excites me and and possibly llms
depending on if it's a a bubble or not
and on how you how you view that I guess
in fact a couple of episodes ago I was
chatting with uh HMA who's heading up
Kumo doai and um we were talking about
the the the needs of AI and you know
guess what metadata is one of the
biggest things that AI teams need to do
couple of things well one is
reproducibility and understandability
explainability um and the second thing
is actually prompt engineering and you
know real um uh you know for Rag
architectures and stuff like that so
it's actually kind of interesting how
the worlds of metadata and a are also
kind of coming together around the same
time with respect to data mesh I
definitely feel like the tooling like
you said coming together is is kind of a
theme I'm excited even within our
existing community and customer base uh
we're seeing a lot more um cases where
people our customers are talking about
data products they're actually using
data products in the catalog for real
not just asking about it so we've gone
from the stage where people would just
be interested because we had data
products like data data Hub had data
products like maybe a year ago at this
point you know we've gone from seeing
people just asking about data products
to actually having them and using them
and asking more so you know data product
lineage input output ports all of these
things that we've promised to the
community are actually going to come out
this year I'm really excited to see what
uh folks do with it um and the same
thing with data contracts you know we've
kind of had it in the product for a
while while but we're starting to see
people really want to connect these two
together and to see them um stitch
together last Town Hall we had a
gentleman Stefan uh from kpn actually
talk about you know a full-on data
product spec that he's working on and
developing on top of data Hub so it's
it's it's pretty exciting to
see uh kind of despite the overall hype
cycle around the term data mesh kind of
going down definitely seeing a lot of
the Practical implement mentations
coming to life and I think what you said
about um you know human comprehension
being a hard problem and so the more and
more data we generate and create as
Industries as companies the need to
simplify and communicate using simpler
terminology simpler more um coales uh
objects that we can all rally around and
govern uh has definitely been uh
uh an advantage that we've all gained a
relational person would be like well
that's what schemas in databases are
supposed to be and they're probably
right uh but I think in as we've split
apart databases and kind of fractured
the world into graphql schemas and open
API schemas and Kafka topics and S3
buckets and a bunch of snowflake tables
I think needing that logical layer on
top has kind of definitely uh come back
in and it's it is showing promise and I
think the I'm excited for the future of
trying to stay polyot and poly you know
imple at the lower layers because that's
where Innovation happens while still
staying harmonized and uh logical at the
at the understanding there yeah I think
uh dat Hub is met Data Systems but
especially data have the potential to be
the control plane that we have to
develop like and I think that's really
exciting and I do hope that I don't know
AAL the data Hub community the open
source Community realize that and build
around it like by by having these
materialized inner system we can build
you know the ability to make data
products and provision them in different
Cloud environments a lot more trivial
than it is today um and I do feel like
there will be a point when there'll be
enough technology available to do this
that you will really see it explode it
just needs that that moment but more
people are doing it
then it's probably you probably realize
like Z and the bit that I think we'll
live with with with or without data mesh
is data products this this idea of
encapsulating some of your data and
describing it as a as a system I feel
like that is a really powerful tool um
to come out of of data mesh as as a
vocabulary as a concept as a way of us
you know Building Systems from in in a
more decentralized way than a star
schema for
example well it's been a pleasure having
you on the show Darren and it's uh it's
been such a great chat I almost didn't
uh keep track of time we went a good 15
minutes over but hopefully yeah the
audience had a had a good time uh
listening and uh thanks for your
questions uh we'll we'll see you on the
internet as they say uh and um you know
it's been it's been a pleasure talking
to you Darren and it's been a pleasure
collaborating with you over the years as
well so looking forward to uh building
great things together thanks for having
Mr shanka and thanks to everybody that
joined and listened and the questions
that we got thank you very
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