24 Dec 202112:01

TLDRThe video script outlines a detailed process for preparing a textured rum black cake, perfect for the Christmas holidays. It emphasizes the importance of consistency and shares a personal recipe that includes rum-soaked fruits, brown sugar, and a blend of spices. The host shares tips on achieving the desired color and texture, and suggests adding burnt sugar and various types of fruits to enhance flavor. The video concludes with the host expressing excitement over the festive aroma and inviting viewers to enjoy the cake with a glass of ginger beer or sorrel drink.


  • 🎄 The video is a Christmas themed recipe for a textured rum black cake.
  • 🍰 Consistency is key when preparing the cake, especially the fruit mixture.
  • 🥳 The creator expresses gratitude for the support received throughout the year and wishes viewers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  • 🍇 Fruits are soaked in rum and burnt sugar for a few months, creating a well-preserved mixture.
  • 🍶 The use of different fruit peels, such as grapefruit, orange, or lime, adds to the flavor profile of the cake.
  • 🥜 The recipe includes the addition of prawns and raisins to the fruit mixture for extra texture.
  • 🧈 The butter and brown sugar are whipped together until fluffy to create a base for the cake.
  • 🥚 Eggs are added one at a time to the butter and sugar mixture for a smooth blend.
  • 🍷 The cake is flavored with a combination of rum soaked fruits and cherry brandy or other local wines.
  • 🍫 The cake is baked at 350 degrees and then the temperature is lowered to 275 degrees for an hour or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • 🥂 The finished cake is soaked with rum and port wine, enhancing the flavor and texture.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is about preparing a textured rum black cake for the Christmas holidays.

  • What type of fruits are used in the recipe?

    -The fruits used in the recipe include five finger, carambolas, celery or bellamby, and grapefruit skin or peel.

  • How long are the fruits soaked in rum and burnt sugar?

    -The fruits are soaked in rum and burnt sugar for a few months.

  • What is the significance of consistency in making the black cake?

    -Consistency is important as it affects the texture and overall quality of the cake. The fruit mixture should be well-processed and evenly combined with other ingredients for a good textured cake.

  • How much butter and brown sugar are used for the two-pound black cake?

    -For the two-pound black cake, two pounds of butter and an unspecified amount of brown sugar are used, as the exact measurement is not mentioned in the script.

  • What are the spices added to the cake mixture?

    -The spices added to the cake mixture include nutmeg, cinnamon powder, and a half cup of mixed essence.

  • How is the burnt sugar prepared?

    -The exact method of preparing the burnt sugar is not detailed in the script, but a link is provided in the description box for viewers to learn how it's done.

  • What type of alcohol is used to soak the baked cake?

    -Guyana Diamond Gold Rum and port wine are used to soak the baked cake.

  • How long should the cake be baked for?

    -The cake should be baked for one hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then the heat is lowered to 275 degrees Fahrenheit until a toothpick or skewer comes out clean when inserted into the cake.

  • What is the significance of the Christmas black cake?

    -The Christmas black cake is a traditional holiday treat that is rich, robust, and often enjoyed with rum or other alcoholic beverages. It is associated with the festive season and brings a sense of celebration and warmth.

  • How does the presenter store the cake after baking?

    -After baking, the presenter pours rum or port wine over the cake and stores it in a container. The alcohol is added daily in amounts of about a quarter of a cup to cure the cake and enhance its flavor.



🎄Holiday Rum Black Cake Preparation🎄

The paragraph begins with an introduction to preparing a textured rum black cake for the Christmas holidays, emphasizing the importance of consistency. The speaker expresses gratitude for the audience's support throughout the year and extends holiday wishes. The main ingredients discussed include fruits soaked in rum and burnt sugar, with specific mention of five-finger (a type of fruit), carambolas, celery or bellamby, and grapefruit or orange peels. The process involves blending the fruit mixture, combining it with butter, brown sugar, and eggs, and incorporating additional spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. The speaker also mentions the addition of cherry brandy or other local wines for flavor enhancement. The paragraph concludes with a discussion on achieving the right cake color and texture by adjusting the burnt sugar and flour ratios.


🍂Dark and Rich Cake Batter Adjustments🍂

This paragraph focuses on the adjustments made to the cake batter to achieve a darker and richer flavor, as preferred by the speaker. The addition of burnt sugar is detailed, with the speaker opting to add more than the initial measurement to achieve the desired color and taste. The consistency of the cake batter is described, and the importance of rum-soaked fruits for a flavorful cake is reiterated. The use of cherry brandy or other dark liquors is suggested to enhance the cake's color and robustness. The paragraph also covers the process of sifting and incorporating flour into the mixture for a light and fluffy texture. The speaker shares personal baking anecdotes, including baking the cake four days prior to Christmas Eve to allow for additional soaking in wine and rum. Finally, the paragraph outlines the baking process, including preheating the oven, preparing the cake pan, and the initial baking temperature before reducing the heat for the recommended cooking time.


🍰Celebrating the Completion of the Christmas Rum Cake🍰

The final paragraph celebrates the completion of the Christmas rum black cake. The speaker describes the process of testing the cake for doneness using a skewer and the satisfaction of seeing it come out clean. The tradition of pouring Guyana Diamond Gold Rum and port wine over the hot cake is highlighted as a crucial step for curing the cake and enhancing its flavor. The paragraph emphasizes the festive atmosphere created by the cake's aroma and the joy of sharing it during the holiday season. The speaker also mentions the cake's compatibility with ginger beer or sorrel drink and teases a potential ginger beer recipe for the new year. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to subscribe and share the video, promising more holiday content.



💡Textured Rum Black Cake

A 'Textured Rum Black Cake' is a rich and flavorful dessert that is central to the video's theme. It is a type of fruitcake that is soaked in rum and burnt sugar, giving it a distinctive texture and taste. The cake is made with a variety of fruits, such as five-finger, carambolas, and celery, which are preserved in rum for several months. The texture of the cake is described as being well-cured and well-preserved, which is crucial for achieving the desired taste and mouthfeel. In the script, the preparation of this cake is a way to celebrate the Christmas holidays, making it a symbol of festive joy and culinary tradition.


In the context of the video, 'consistency' refers to the texture and uniformity of the cake batter before baking. Achieving the right consistency is essential for the final product to have the desired mouthfeel and appearance. The consistency of the fruit mixture, which is a blend of rum-soaked fruits, is particularly emphasized as it sets the stage for the cake's overall texture. The script mentions that once the fruit mixture has the right consistency, the rest of the cake preparation can proceed smoothly.

💡Christmas Holidays

The 'Christmas Holidays' is the festive period that serves as the backdrop for the video's narrative. It is a time for celebration, family gatherings, and special food preparations, such as the 'Textured Rum Black Cake' being made. The holiday season is associated with joy, warmth, and culinary traditions that bring people together. In the script, the cake is presented as a festive treat that enhances the holiday spirit and is a way for the speaker to express gratitude to their audience for their support throughout the year.

💡Fruit Soaking

The process of 'fruit soaking' involves immersing fruits in a liquid, such as rum, for an extended period. This technique is used in the video to prepare the fruits that will be used in the cake. Soaking the fruits in rum not only preserves them but also imparts a unique flavor and aroma that is integral to the cake's final taste. The script mentions that the fruits are stored in a bucket with rum and burnt sugar for a few months, allowing them to absorb these flavors fully.

💡Burnt Sugar

In the context of the video, 'burnt sugar' refers to a sweet ingredient that is caramelized or heated until it turns a dark brown color. This process alters the sugar's flavor profile, adding a rich, molasses-like taste that complements the rum-soaked fruits in the cake. The burnt sugar is added to the cake batter, contributing to the cake's dark color and distinctive flavor. It is mentioned that the amount of burnt sugar can be adjusted based on the desired color and taste of the cake.


In the video, 'butter' is a key ingredient in the cake batter. It is used to create a rich, creamy base that, when combined with the other ingredients, forms the cake's texture. The script specifies the use of brown sugar and butter, which are whipped together to create a fluffy, yellowish mixture. This base is crucial for achieving the cake's desired consistency and flavor.


In the context of the video, 'eggs' are an essential component of the cake batter. They help to bind the ingredients together and contribute to the cake's structure and texture. The script suggests adding the eggs one at a time, either by beating them in a separate container before adding them to the batter or by adding them directly and whipping them in the mixer. This careful addition ensures that the eggs are well-incorporated and do not weigh down the batter.


In the video, 'flour' is a primary ingredient in the cake batter, used to provide structure and texture to the cake. The script mentions sifting the flour to make it lighter and to incorporate more air, which results in a lighter, fluffier cake. The amount of flour used is adjusted based on the consistency of the batter, ensuring that the cake is neither too dense nor too light.


The term 'baking' refers to the process of cooking the cake in the oven. It is a critical step that transforms the cake batter into a baked good. The script provides specific instructions on the baking temperature and time, as well as tips for ensuring the cake bakes evenly and has the desired color and texture. Baking the cake at the right temperature and for the correct duration is crucial for achieving the perfect 'Textured Rum Black Cake.'

💡Rum Soaking

In the video, 'rum soaking' is a technique used to enhance the flavor of the cake after it has been baked. The cake is soaked with rum, which infuses it with the spirit's distinctive taste and aroma. This process is repeated over several days, with a quarter of a cup of rum being poured over the cake each day. The rum soaking not only adds flavor but also helps to preserve the cake, making it a key part of the cake's preparation and preservation for the holiday season.

💡Holiday Celebration

The 'Holiday Celebration' is a central theme in the video, encompassing the joy and traditions associated with the Christmas season. It is a time for sharing food, expressing gratitude, and creating cherished memories with loved ones. The video's focus on making a 'Textured Rum Black Cake' is a part of this celebration, as it represents a shared activity that brings people together and symbolizes the festive spirit.


The importance of consistency in making a textured rum black cake for the Christmas holidays is emphasized.

The speaker expresses gratitude for the support received throughout the year and extends Christmas and New Year wishes.

The preparation involves soaking fruits in rum and burnt sugar for several months, using a mix of five finger and carambolas, with a hint of celery or bellamby.

For added flavor, grapefruit skin or peel is used, with the option of orange or lime peels as alternatives.

Pralns and raisins are added to the fruit mixture to enhance the texture and taste of the cake.

The fruit mixture is processed to achieve a specific consistency, which is crucial for the final texture of the cake.

Butter and brown sugar are whipped together to create a fluffy, yellowish cream base for the cake.

Eggs are incorporated into the butter and sugar mixture one at a time, either by bursting them in a container or whipping them before adding.

The recipe calls for three cups of fruit mixture per pound of butter, which can be adjusted based on desired cake size.

Nutmeg, cinnamon powder, and mixed essence are added to the cake batter for a rich, warm flavor profile.

The burnt sugar is added to achieve a dark color in the cake, with the option to adjust based on personal preference.

Cherry brandy or other local wines can be used as an alternative to rum for soaking the fruits.

The flour is sifted to make it lighter and incorporate more air, resulting in a fluffier cake.

A testing method is described for determining when the correct amount of flour has been added to the mixture.

Baking powder is added just before baking, and the pan is greased and floured to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.

The cake is baked at 350 degrees and then the heat is lowered to 275 degrees for an hour or until a toothpick comes out clean.

After baking, the cake is soaked with rum and port wine for added flavor and moisture, enhancing its Christmas appeal.

The final product is a rich, textured rum black cake perfect for the Christmas holidays, best enjoyed with a glass of ginger beer or sorrel drink.