Leonardo AI New Features: Consistent Characters | Transparent Background (2024)

26 Mar 202409:22

TLDRLeonardo AI has introduced exciting new features in 2024, including a consistent character creator and a transparency mode. The consistent character creator allows users to generate AI models with a consistent style by using a fixed seed in the image generation section. This feature is available for free to new users with a fresh account. The transparency mode enables the creation of images with a transparent background, which can be used for logos, stickers, and prints without the need for third-party tools. The video demonstrates how to use these features effectively, showcasing the generation of various images and designs that meet specific prompts.


  • 🎨 **Consistent Characters**: Leonardo AI allows users to create consistent characters similar to those in stable diffusion models, like midJourney, for free.
  • πŸ“ˆ **Photo Real and Alchemy**: To access these features, users need to use a fresh account with a new Gmail ID for the first time.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ **Image Generation**: Users should select input dimensions of 512x768 for a consistent cell look, suitable for AI influencers.
  • πŸ” **Advanced Controls**: To maintain consistency, the 'fixed seed' option should be turned on, and the seed from the initial images should be copied and pasted into the 'fixed seed' field.
  • 🌐 **Variations**: After setting the fixed seed, users can generate various styles and poses for their AI characters, ensuring consistency across images.
  • πŸ“˜ **Transparency Mode**: Leonardo AI introduces a new feature that enables the creation of images with transparent backgrounds, useful for logos, stickers, and prints.
  • βœ… **Simple Prompts**: For the transparency mode, prompts should be concise, avoiding detailed descriptions that might complicate the background removal.
  • πŸ”΅ **Logo Creation**: Users can generate logos with transparent backgrounds for a green tech company or a vintage-style bakery, showcasing the utility of the transparency feature.
  • 😎 **Sticker Design**: The script demonstrates the creation of stickers, such as a cute cat with sunglasses, with transparent backgrounds, highlighting the feature's versatility.
  • 🧘 **Prints**: The transparency mode also works for prints, such as images of cute animals doing yoga or colorful mandala patterns, although some images may require manual adjustment.
  • πŸ“š **Leonardo AI Exploration**: The video script is an exploration of new features in Leonardo AI, providing a walkthrough on how to use them effectively.

Q & A

  • What new features has Leonardo AI released in 2024?

    -Leonardo AI has released two new features: Consistent Characters and Transparent Background mode.

  • How can users create consistent characters in Leonardo AI?

    -To create consistent characters, users should go to the image generation section, ensure the 'Photo Real' and 'Alchemy' options are turned on, use a fresh account, set input dimensions to 512x768, turn on advanced controls, and use a fixed seed for image generation.

  • What is the recommended aspect ratio for creating AI influencers in Leonardo AI?

    -The recommended aspect ratio for creating AI influencers is 512x768.

  • How does the Transparent Background mode work in Leonardo AI?

    -The Transparent Background mode allows users to generate images with a transparent background. Users should avoid specifying a background in their prompt for the best results and can use this feature to create logos, stickers, and prints.

  • What are some use cases for the Transparent Background mode?

    -Use cases for the Transparent Background mode include creating logos, stickers, and prints without the need for a background.

  • How should the prompt be structured when using the Transparent Background mode?

    -The prompt should be concise and avoid long details. It should not include instructions to remove the background as the mode automatically generates images with a transparent background.

  • What are the requirements for using the Photo Real and Alchemy options in Leonardo AI?

    -To use the Photo Real and Alchemy options, users must be using a fresh account with a new Gmail ID, and it should be their first time using Leonardo AI with that account.

  • How does the seed feature help in creating consistent characters?

    -The seed feature allows users to copy the seed from one image and paste it into the fixed seed field. This ensures that subsequent images generated will have a consistent character style.

  • Can users create variations of their AI influencers with the consistent character feature?

    -Yes, users can create various scenarios and poses for their AI influencers while maintaining a consistent character style using the fixed seed feature.

  • What is the benefit of using Leonardo AI for generating logos and stickers with a transparent background?

    -Leonardo AI allows users to generate logos and stickers with a transparent background without the need for third-party tools, simplifying the process and allowing for more creative freedom.

  • How many variations can a user create with the consistent character feature in Leonardo AI?

    -There is no specific limit mentioned in the script, implying that users can create as many variations as they want for their AI influencers.



🎨 Creating Consistent Characters in Leonardo AI

The first paragraph introduces the new features of Leonardo AI, focusing on how to create consistent characters for AI influencers. It explains that by using the 'photo real' and 'Alchemy' options in the image generation section, one can generate realistic and aesthetically pleasing images. The process involves using a fresh account with a new Gmail ID for Leonardo AI, setting the input dimensions to 512x768 for a suitable aspect ratio, and enabling advanced controls. The script also details how to use a fixed seed to ensure consistency across generated images, providing a step-by-step guide on copying and pasting the seed for various scenarios like beach, hotel lobby, and studio modeling.


🌟 Exploring Transparency Mode in Leonardo AI

The second paragraph discusses the newly released transparency mode feature in Leonardo AI, which allows for the creation of transparent PNG images. This feature is particularly useful for generating logos, stickers, and prints without the need for background removal using third-party tools. The video demonstrates how to use this feature by disabling the 'photo real' and 'Alchemy' options and providing concise prompts. Several examples are given, including creating logos for a green tech company and a vintage-style bakery, generating stickers of a cute cat with sunglasses and a laughing emoji with tears, and producing prints of a cute animal doing yoga and a colorful mandala pattern. The results showcase the effectiveness of the transparency mode in generating images with clear backgrounds, ready for various applications.



πŸ’‘Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is an advanced artificial intelligence tool that is being discussed in the video. It is capable of creating consistent characters and generating images with transparent backgrounds. The tool is used to produce various types of visual content, such as logos, stickers, and prints, which can be utilized for branding, social media, and other creative purposes.

πŸ’‘Consistent Characters

Consistent characters refer to the ability of Leonardo AI to generate a series of images that feature the same character or object with a uniform style and appearance. This is significant for creating content for AI influencers or characters that need to be recognizable across different media. In the script, it is mentioned that this feature can be achieved by using a fixed seed in the advanced settings of the image generation process.

πŸ’‘Transparent Background

The transparent background feature allows users to generate images with a clear or transparent background, which can be particularly useful for creating logos, stickers, and other graphical elements that need to be placed over various backgrounds without any obstruction. This feature is showcased in the video where the presenter demonstrates how to use it to create logos and stickers with Leonardo AI.

πŸ’‘Image Generation

Image generation is the process of creating visual content using Leonardo AI. It involves inputting a prompt, which is a description of the desired image, and the AI generates images based on that input. This process is central to the video as it is used to illustrate the capabilities of Leonardo AI in creating consistent characters and transparent background images.

πŸ’‘Photoreal and Alchemy

Photoreal and Alchemy are options within Leonardo AI that, when enabled, allow for the creation of highly realistic images and the use of specific styles or elements in the generated content. These options are mentioned in the context of ensuring that the account is fresh, meaning new or recently created, to access these features for free.


In the context of the video, a seed is a unique identifier used in the image generation process to ensure consistency across multiple images. By using the same seed value, the AI can generate images that are stylistically similar, thus creating a consistent character. The script demonstrates how to copy and paste the seed from one image to the fixed seed field to maintain consistency.

πŸ’‘Advanced Controls

Advanced controls in Leonardo AI are settings that allow users to fine-tune the image generation process. They include options like enabling the fixed seed for consistency and toggling the Photoreal and Alchemy features. These controls are essential for achieving specific outcomes, such as creating logos or stickers with transparent backgrounds.


A prompt is a descriptive input provided to Leonardo AI to guide the image generation process. It includes details about the desired image, such as the subject, style, and any specific features. In the video, prompts are used to generate various images, like portraits of an Instagram model or logos for companies, with the AI interpreting the prompts to create the visuals.

πŸ’‘AI Influencer

An AI influencer is a virtual character or persona created using artificial intelligence, often used for social media marketing or other digital campaigns. The video discusses how Leonardo AI can be used to create consistent AI influencers by generating images with the same character across different settings and styles.


Stickers, in the context of the video, are graphical elements generated by Leonardo AI with transparent backgrounds. They can be used for various applications, such as adding fun or branding elements to digital communications or products. The presenter demonstrates the creation of stickers featuring a cute cat with sunglasses and a laughing emoji with tears.


Prints refer to the graphical designs or images that can be physically printed on various materials, such as t-shirts, posters, or other merchandise. In the video, Leonardo AI is used to generate prints with transparent backgrounds, showcasing its ability to create visually appealing and customizable designs for printing purposes.


Leonardo AI has released new features including consistent character creation and a transparency mode.

Consistent characters can be created for free in Leonardo AI by using a fresh account and specific settings.

Photo-real and Alchemy options must be turned on for consistent character creation.

Input dimensions of 512x768 are recommended for creating AI influencers.

Advanced controls should be turned on to access the fixed seed feature for consistent character style.

The seed from generated images can be copied and pasted into the fixed seed for consistency.

Leonardo AI can generate variations of a consistent character with different prompts.

Transparency mode allows for the creation of transparent PNG images, useful for logos, stickers, and prints.

When using transparency mode, it's best to avoid specifying a background in the prompt.

The prompt should be concise for optimal results in transparency mode.

Leonardo AI can generate transparent logos for companies without the need for third-party tools.

Examples include a green tech company logo and a vintage style bakery logo with transparent backgrounds.

Stickers with transparent backgrounds, such as a cute cat with sunglasses, can be easily created.

Leonardo AI can also generate transparent prints, like images of animals doing yoga or colorful mandala patterns.

The transparency mode feature simplifies the process of creating graphics for various applications.

The video demonstrates the practical use of Leonardo AI's new features for different creative projects.

Leonardo AI's updates aim to enhance user experience and provide more creative freedom.