Extra Harvest Footage!! Never Before Seen
- 🚜 视频描述了农场工作人员在收获时的日常工作情况,包括检查和维修设备、转移和存储谷物等。
- 🛠 需要对联合收割机进行维护,例如更换空气滤芣和检查轮胎压力。
- 🌽 工人正在将干燥的谷物转移到适合的仓库中,并根据湿度情况决定是否需要额外的干燥。
- 🔄 过程中需要打开和关闭相关的门和阀门,以确保谷物能够正确地通过输送机运输。
- ⚠️ 天气变化(雨雪)可能会影响到收割工作的进行,需要密切监视天气情况。
- 📞 工作人员之间保持沟通,相互通报工作进展和任何潜在的问题。
- 🐕 工人们的宠物狗也在现场,有时会加入他们的日常工作。
- 🔋 需要检查和维护发电机等设备,确保它们能够为收获工作提供足够的电力。
- 🤖 使用先进的农业机械设备来提高工作效率,如联合收割机和大型拖拉机。
- 👨🌾 整个过程需要工人们的密切配合,承担不同的角色和责任。
Q & A
什么是"cross auger"?
-"cross auger"是一种输送机,用于在不同仓库之间转移粮食。
-因为cross auger有能力把粮食输送到这四个仓库中的任何一个,所以要确保不会意外输送到装有其他作物的仓库中。
🚜 开始农场的一天
🌧️ 阵雨和割草
☔ 恶劣天气下坚持收割
The combine grain cart has been ready and they are going to go through the trucks, which have some awfully dirty air filters that need to be replaced.
One of the trucks has an air leak in the front driver side airbag that needs to be fixed.
They need to climb a bin to check how full it is, which is about three-quarters full.
They are going to transfer some dry corn out of the bin into another bin using the cross auger on top instead of the air system.
They checked the cross auger to make sure it won't accidentally dump corn into the bins with beans in them.
They dumped a truck of corn with 16.1-16.3% moisture straight into a bin with big fans to air dry it.
They fixed a low tire on one of the trucks using an air compressor.
The speaker prefers to be the 'Gopher' running around putting out fires and dumping trucks rather than running the combine.
They dumped another truck of corn from the night before, even though it was a little wetter than ideal, into the same bin.
They turned on big fans to air dry the corn being put into the bin.
The neighbor's fence along the field may have been knocked down by their equipment, so they went to check it.
While checking the fence, they found a section that looked freshly knocked down, but couldn't be sure if it was their fault.
They decided to call the neighbor and let them know they might have knocked down part of the fence.
The rain/snow was starting to make harvesting difficult, so they considered stopping for the day.
They mowed a wet spot in the field so it can be ripped and tilled for planting in the spring.
morning morning to Dad's over checking
the combine grain card's been
ready 2.0 and I are going to go through
the trucks here a little they got some
awfully dirty air filters so this one's
just going to get a new one you see all
this crud that accumulates underneath
the dryer the air filters and the trucks
also pack with that same stuff morning
digy side front drive axle the airbag
we're leaking on the be yes driver side
yeah yep that pancake starting to PUK
air out on the bottom side out of the
yeah that one's
good good
dog and the Kenworth that actually needs
a new filter is down at the field 5
miles away so so far I haven't been real
productive out here this morning well
now I get to do one of my favorite jobs
here on the the farm which is not sweep
up The Corn that was dribbling off the
roof there but instead I got to climb
that bin again not to try to find the
leak but to see how full it
is there's a ring and 3/4 left in that
bin ring and 3/4 a ring and 3/4 so okay
I can figure it out pretty close we'll
get this running and then I'll figure it
we're going to transfer some dry corn
out of the bin I just climbed into this
end one so we've got to open and close
some gates because we got to go through
the cross auger on top instead of using
the air system for this bin little bit
of corn spilled in this one already
which we
knew it should be good except the sumps
are all open okay but the sweep's in the
right spot and everything you want to
turn that b
turn ah
overhead you want to pull out of that 60
for a little bit then yeah we sure can
2.0 is going to climb that bin there I'm
going to climb this one here just to
make sure there's nothing coming in that
in the top that cross AER has the
ability to dump into all four of these
well obviously we only want to go into
one plus these two bins have beans in
them and we're transferring corn so we
definitely don't want those mixed
up this one's
that bin is good okay good yeah there's
nothing in there com yeah there Cor in
the back bend we should be
good we just dumped this truck and took
a sample of it it's 16.1 and 16.3
moisture so we're dumping it straight
into that bin
and going to put some air on it that bin
has big fans and it's the easiest one to
get to straight from the pits so it
sense y 104 that's where I'm heading now
okay sounds good I'll dump this
one for did you shut the fuel off to the
come I see it shut off the steps up so
either you or D must have done you
didn't huh we got a tire on this truck
that looked a little bit low so I
checked it and I did
is so my goal is to use this handy tool
and an air compressor to make it so it's
not time to go to
work dad's going to take my combine and
I'll stay here and dump his trucks must
be nice actually he just enjoys running
combine a lot and I don't hate it but I
would rather be the Gopher that that
probably makes me a little bit weird but
honestly I'd rather be the guy running
around putting out fires and dumb
trucks and incoming on the truck from
last night so this is one that was at
the field that's pretty dry I'm guessing
I'm just going to run this straight into
the bin as
WEA maybe I'll try and take another
sample quick and it'll be drier nope got
a little wetter 173 so I'm just going to
kind of pretend that I didn't see it and
run it into that bin
anyway and there's beans in the cart
from last night as well not beans I hope
not beans actually beans would be nice
cuz there worth a lot more but I'd be
confused AE goes to catch the
combine got to turn these big fans on to
air rate the stuff we're putting
in wait that is on here we
go you guys
see I can't even grab it this that's
electric wire there's a about 100 ft of
it hanging on this this is commonly used
to keep livestock from running
away I'm a little worried about the
neighbor's fences so I'm going to go
check I was wondering when you'd show up
heard it start didn't you where's your
buddy you can't get in there cuz the
broom's in your way what was onx doing
with a broom in the
ranger go get in
there yeah no hurry I'm not in a
hurry your buddy's probably in the shop
she doesn't like the
cold the neighbors got fence all along
this South edge of this field so I'm
just going to follow it along I don't
think he's got any cattle in there right
now at least if he does it appears as
though they're long gone so I guess
technically I would still be right he
wouldn't have any cattle in there right
now ah this is all laying down
now I don't see anything
missing and I can't say for sure that
this wasn't laying down
before a that seems pretty
fresh I did not see any sections missing
or any hles bent over or anything so it
may or may not have been us that got
into it so I'll give him a call and at
least let him know we might have I got
raindrops on the windshield here it's a
little bit moist today I figured I'd
swing by here and see how these guys are
doing mostly for your guys's content
sake Anna look at it's a
cool oh did is going to be mad she
didn't get to go with I'm sorry dig you
snoozed you loed next time now go
apologize to your buddy I'm sorry I'm
sorry I was going to I'm still going to
hop in this tractor and go MOA spot
you'll see what it is but now it's
sleeing like snow ice pellets that'll
put a stop to harvesting real quick if
it does that for very
not going to last long at this so
there's this spot up here about half the
years it's too wet but you can see where
the grass goes from Golden into much
darker most of the time we plant crop in
there and we get somewhat of a crop but
this spring was so wet we couldn't get
in there well this fall I realize this
is ironic to say as it's raining but
this fall is really dry so I'm going to
chop it up with the mower so the Jim can
get in there with the Ripper and till it
up because then there's a lot better
chance of us being able to farm it in
spring you're done up there you think
it's not going to dry either even I mean
even if it quits right now everything's
going to stay wet all day it's not
supposed to rain much I think we can
leave the equipment in the field up
there oh good snowflakes the big
ones I mean emotionally I'm ready for
snow now that it's cold I may as well
like I I want to go snowmobiling but but
not yet not
yet 5 to 7 if you don't get lost in the
blizzard that spot is cut we'll see how
the Ripper Works through
that now there's a meeting of the mines
there we might be done for a while we
might be the G still going okay in the
corn stock yeah you looked like it okay
that'll probably go longer than anything
else I would imagine so 5 to7 you got
me yeah can you hear
me I got you that time
what's it like up there can't be going
too good for too much longer can it I
don't know I think it's going good
yet okay well if you think it's going
good I guess keep going just um remember
to watch on those RTS so that the corn
stocks don't build up inside the tracks
yeah I guess we'll see what the weather
does yeah I'll talk to you later we'll
kind of watch what's happening but it
could easily be done all day the way it
looks right now right okay
4.7 / 5 (30 votes)

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