The Adventures of Paddington Bear - The Amazing Paddington // Pirates | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
- 🐻 帕丁顿熊独自离开秘鲁,来到英格兰,并被布朗一家收养,开始了新生活。
- 🎶 帕丁顿熊总是能够巧妙地摆脱困境,他看待事物总是充满新鲜感。
- 📚 帕丁顿尝试自我催眠,但布朗夫人担心这可能很危险。
- 🎩 帕丁顿不小心将库瑞先生催眠,导致了一系列混乱的事件。
- 🛍️ 布朗先生去市场采购,而帕丁顿陪同以确保库瑞先生的安全。
- 🦊 库瑞先生在布朗家的床上休息,因为他的脚趾和脚踝受伤了。
- 🍵 库瑞先生在布朗家床上抱怨,要求更多的关心和食物。
- 🏠 布朗一家对库瑞先生的无理要求感到无奈,但仍然尽力照顾他。
- 🎢 布朗先生体验了世界上最先进的主题公园游乐设施,这是一次惊心动魄的旅程。
- 🏴☠️ 游乐设施中的海盗机器人因技术故障导致布朗先生意外成为了“棕胡子”海盗。
- 🎉 尽管出现了意外,但游乐设施最终取得了成功,丹尼尔先生甚至提出让布朗先生在主题公园全职工作。
Q & A
😀 新生活开始 - Paddington的英格兰之旅
😄 意外的催眠 - Mr. Curry的喜剧效果
这段文字讲述了Paddington不小心催眠了Mr. Curry,导致了一系列混乱和有趣的事件。Mr. Curry开始表现得像一只牛,引起了公众的注意。Paddington和Brown一家试图解决这个问题,而Mr. Curry最终在困惑中醒来,不明白发生了什么。
🎢 技术故障 - 主题公园的冒险
🛏️ 家中的不速之客 - Mr. Curry的康复
这段文字描述了Mr. Curry因为受伤而不得不在Brown家的床上休息。他的行为逐渐变得过分,要求Brown一家为他提供各种照顾,包括食物和舒适的休息环境。Mr. Curry的自私行为最终引起了Brown一家的不满,他们希望他能离开。
🍵 无尽的需求 - Mr. Curry的康复继续
在最后一段中,Mr. Curry继续在Brown家中养伤,他的要求变得越来越多,甚至抱怨食物和照顾不周。Brown一家尽管尽力满足他的需求,但最终感到疲惫和不满。这段文字以Mr. Curry继续抱怨和Brown一家的无奈结束。
Paddington尝试自我催眠,却意外地将Mr. Curry催眠。
Mr. Curry在催眠状态下表现出了不同寻常的行为,引起了混乱。
Paddington和Mr. Brown前往市场购物,途中发生了一些有趣的插曲。
Mr. Curry在Brown家的床上休息,因为受伤而引起了一系列的不便。
Paddington不小心将Mr. Curry催眠,导致他行为失常。
Mr. Curry在Brown家的床上养伤,引起了家庭的不满。
Mr. Brown在主题公园意外地成为了海盗表演的一部分。
Mr. Brown在海盗表演中的意外表现被误认为是表演的一部分,反而获得了观众的喝彩。
Mr. Daniels向Mr. Brown提出在主题公园全职工作的邀请。
Paddington计划在Mr. Brown的吊床上度过一个悠闲的下午。
Mr. Curry因为受伤而变得依赖他人,引起了Brown家的不便。
Mr. Brown和Mrs. Brown对Mr. Curry的行为感到无奈,但仍然尽力照顾他。
Mr. Curry在Brown家的床上的各种要求,使得Brown家感到困扰。
Mr. Curry在Brown家的床上的康复过程中,展现了他不受欢迎的一面。
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun his windsor
he never misses a beat
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind
you are getting sleepy
so very sleepy
no we're not paddington we've only just
woken up i didn't mean you mr brown i
meant me i'm trying to hypnotize myself
with this book mr gruber gave me
hypnosis for beginners
mesmerizing i'm sure i wouldn't go
hypnotizing yourself paddington it could
be dangerous who'd bring you out of it
i hadn't thought of that mrs brown you
just need to find yourself some suitable
i didn't mean us
henry you're interrupting the amazing
ladies and gentlemen prepare to be uh
thank you thank you
what's going on
it sounds like a party
why haven't i been invited
can i have a volunteer from the audience
thank you madam
but i want to go shopping before the
market gets too crowded
then again
i suppose i could spare a few minutes
that's it just relax you are getting
sleepy you are getting sleepy
mrs burke can hear me hello
the subject is now in a deep hypnotic
trance mrs bird every time you hear the
sound of a horn you will act like the
first animal that pops into your mind
goodness look at the time i dozed off
i must get on with the shopping
never mind paddington mrs bird is a very
tough subject it takes a pretty weak
mind to be hypnotized
perhaps the horn mr gruber gave me isn't
working properly
what happened
i must have blacked out
and that's what comes of running out of
breakfast cereal i must get some
provisions from the market
please keep an eye open for the taxi i
called for paddington i don't want to be
late for my meeting yes mr brown
still wasting time with hypnosis bear
you must be a mind reader mr curry
unless you've been spying again spying
i've done nothing of the sort anyone
with half a mind knows hypnosis is hokum
tried it myself to prevent snoring to no
my mind is a mystery that's what mrs
byrd always says
that'll be mr brown's taxi i'd better
get him
join me
he doesn't need a calf he needs someone
to take him to the loony
bind what were you doing on my roof man
i i i have no idea
i think perhaps i've been
overworking i don't think it could be
that mrs bird always says you've never
done a day's work in your life mr curry
i'll feel much better once i've been to
the grocery to get some breakfast i
think paddington had better go with you
just in case
how many times do i have to tell you
bear there's nothing wrong with me
support our furry friends join the march
for animals today
do i look like the sort of man who would
make a public spectacle of himself
there's mr gruber
hello mr brown where are you off to
today mr curry and i are going to the
cup price grocer uh mr carrie
i better see if i can find him
come back invisible care
get out the way you're crazy matt
there you are mr curry i see you've
already done some shopping
what are you talking about bear are we
going to the cup price grosser or not
and to think this rabble wanted me to
join their protest come on there
oh dear i'm stuck
paddington what are you doing here mr
brown sent me with mr curry in case he
has another of his
funny turns
funny turns
come on sunshine i'm never gonna get my
deliveries done at this rate
move it
very funny sir but you're disturbing the
other customers
unhand me
there's been a mistake acting like a cow
this is terrible
i'm sure you made a very good cow mr
curry will you please all get around me
paddington your hypnosis act must have
worked better than anyone imagined
we'd better catch mr curry
you better snap him out of it before he
lays an egg
where am i
what's going on
i think i must have hypnotized you by
mistake mr curry
what it's your own fault for being such
a nosy parker now calm down and
paddington will unhypnotize you i
haven't got to that part yet bear
why don't you leave mr curry like this
for a little while he's much nicer than
oh i must say that was quite a ride mr
you could say that mr brown
not my cup of tea though tea what a good
and the green doughnut would go down
mr gruber
ready for your backstage tour of my
amusement park
are you all right oh yes
well yes i'm fine it's just the jet lag
catching up with me
this is quite a park you have here mr
daniels this is nothing follow me
because i have a big surprise for you
i wonder where mr brown has gone
excuse me
you're not from darkest peru are you
ah this must be mr brown glad to have
you along but please let's hurry to
pirate world
this my friends is the most
technologically advanced theme park ride
in the world may i welcome you to pirate
you two are the first to see this even
before the preview we have planned for
the media today i don't think i've ever
met a real pirate before good afternoon
mr redbeard i presume i've asked he
scared me scum watch your tongue
no buts on guard
it's lucky for you mrs bird isn't here
she'd give you an armed guard with her
you've been swashbuckled mr brown
that's redbeard he and his crew are the
world's first fuzzy logic computerized
robot pirates
a fuzzy logic pirate he doesn't look
very fuzzy to me
each pirate setting has its own redbeard
and pirate robots all linked by computer
i'll show you some of the other settings
and here we are back where we started
this is where the whole thing erupts
into a fiery conclusion hope would you
look at the time the reporters are
waiting for me to start the first
official boat ride you can head up to
the command center right through here
we'll see you after the ride i still
can't believe these pirates aren't alive
mr gruber
they even feel real
oh no mr brown you've short-circuited
red beard i better get mr daniels
don't worry mr gruber i'll think of
i've asked reporters due to technical
difficulties are the part of redbeard
will be played by brown beard
if only mrs bird could see me now
after six years of development and
you are about to experience the most
technologically advanced ride in the
history of theme parks excuse me mr
daniels but
here we go got the cameras running
hey what
i'll be ruined
come on we have to do something
this village never expected the likes of
brown beard
brown beard why that's mr brown
that's just great
here come the navy to grab our booty
should we blast some red beard brown
beard if he don't mind he's swappy open
those shots aren't even close
look at that
he's firing at the reporters
oh i beg your pardon mr daniels um i
uh i'm sorry i missed he needed
marvelous interactivity
this was close fantastic
well shiver me timbers lads there'll be
the boatloads of bilge rats who set the
fires we have to get in their boats
shall we swing in from the mental mass
captain um why not i mean um aha
you do that wants to engage in dangerous
sword play
thank goodness it looks like the show is
back on track
oh my look out
oh my did mr brown do that oh no the
explosion's part of the ride then your
ride is a success
blame me mateys swing from the yard arms
an experience of a lifetime
you've done it again mr daniels the
pirate bear was a great twist this one's
really gonna put your amusement park on
the map i think i must have pushed the
wrong button by mistake
no apologies didn't you hear the
reporters brown beard is a smash
say how'd you like to work for me in
pirate world full-time
that's very kind of you mr daniels but i
think i have an even better idea
why did i take this job
what are you up to bear i'm planning to
spend the afternoon in mr brown's
hammock mr curry
lying around in a hammer okay
it's very relaxing especially with a
glass of ice cold lemonade to sip you
should try it sometime
don't mind if i do
oh mr curry are you all right
no i am not all right i think you've
broken my toe
let me help you up stay away from me
perhaps you shouldn't walk on it mr
curry when mr brown sprained his ankle
the doctor told him to rest in his bed
for a week
but mr curry i didn't mean mr brown's
don't you think your own bed will be
more comfortable i'm very happy where i
am except i shall need some ice for my
ankle your ankle i thought it was your
yes well
it's both
hello paddington is that ice yes mr
brown whatever is it for it's rather a
long story mrs brown
you'll have to tell it to me later
i'm going up to my bed to lie down
i wouldn't if i were you mrs brown
whatever not dear you'll see
there's somebody in our bed it's not as
somebody mrs brown it's mr curry he's
hurt his toe and his ankle so he's come
to recuperate mr curry in our bed what's
he doing there
henry do something i am not having mr
curry in my bed tell him it isn't
convenient yes dear you have to be firm
with him
you know what he's like
mr curry
thank goodness someone's come i'm in
such pain my knee
me it was your ankle just now
i'm uh sorry to hear that but
mrs bird's said to be firm
now mr curry i've come to explain that
did that bear of yours tell you this is
all his fault how
things do have a way of happening but
but if you want me to go
if it's too much trouble to look after
me after i've been damaged by your bear
just say the word and i'll go home
now i wonder what the authorities would
say if they found out
the dressing gown you gave me for our
anniversary dear a good host is happy to
isn't he mr brown
bear open that window it's stuffy in
mrs brown
would you fluff my pillow
and i need another blanket it's freezing
in here
here you are mr curry tomato soup just
like you wanted
where's the bread you don't expect me to
eat soup without bread do you
this soup is dreadful and there's hardly
any of it
i'd like another helping why don't you
get it yourself mr curry i can't walk
thanks to that bear of yours my thigh is
bruised now listen to me mr curry you're
taking advantage of paddington and the
i can leave if mr brown wants to throw
me out on the street in front of all his
i just hope no one calls the police
now mrs bird we don't want mr curry
getting too excited
after all he's not well oh
we're going out shopping henry i can't
stand it another moment
i hope you got rid of mr curry by the
time we get back here here either that
man goes or i do
while they're there sometimes it takes
sacrifice to wait on someone who's not
in the light turn down the bed fluff a
pillow for their head close the window
shut the door a nice warm blanket
anything more if it's a nap they want to
take keep it quiet so they
are you people trying to starve me
i need tea
that's all right mr brown
it's my
didn't you turn me anything to eat i'm
afraid you've eaten everything mr curry
there's not a crumb left in the whole
house are you sure
yes mr curry i'll bet there's a sandwich
under your hat
this is wonderful you're cured
no no i'm not i'm worse than ever
oh more tea mr curry
mr curry
henry we're home
i'm sorry
we shouldn't have left you all alone
with mr curry
we are back to do what we can stay away
from my ankle oh my knee oh my back hair
my elbow
curious and speaks is
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